
Benefits Of Pumpkins And Pumpkin Seeds For Your Pet

Have you noticed your pet vomiting, problems with diarrhea, or his stool not looking just right? It could be a sign of worms. We’re getting into the season when bugs and worms are more prevalent. If it is worms, then how can pumpkins benefit your dog?

Benefits of Pumpkins and Seeds

Which is better? Canned, Raw, or Cooked?

Canned pumpkin is fine, as long as it is sugarless and organic. Canned pumpkin may only last up to a about a week in your refrigerator, so be careful. Both raw and cooked pumpkin should be safe for your pet. Avoid giving your pet any kind of fresh pumpkin that may have been sitting too long. It is likely to have bacteria and mold. It’s also recommended not to give them very much pumpkin at first, and then incorporate more in their food slowly. It’s always a great idea to keep a can of pumpkin in your pantry, just in case.

What amount do I feed my Dog?

Smaller dogs will not need as much pumpkin to supplement their food as larger dogs. Try giving your smaller pet only a few teaspoons a day, whereas a larger dog may have a few tablespoons a day. You should check with your vet to make sure you’re giving your dog the right amount according to his weight.

Pumpkin Treats

As an added bonus, you may want to give your pet treats with pumpkins as one of the ingredients. You can usually find them in pet stores, or make your own treats. Pumpkin seeds can also be given as treats, either whole or ground up.

Eastside Animal Hospital is dedicated to improving the quality of life and health of your pets. We specialize in wellness and preventative care for both dogs and cats. Eastside Animal Hospital is located in Muskogee, Oklahoma and serves the surrounding communities.

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