Thursday 16 January 2025

10 Health Checks You Should Do Regularly

Our health is one of the most important things we have. Throughout our lives, we will face many unexpected health complications, and in some cases, they could be preventable. Spotting a problem ahead of time and being diagnosed early is the key factor to recovery and avoiding any sort of condition worsening. Some people take going to the doctor more seriously than others, but you must have a routine check-up at least once a year. The doctors can’t check certain things such as your teeth, and if you are going to the doctor it will be an easier process if you can highlight what issues are concerning you the most.

Of course, there are quick checks that everyone can do for themselves from the comfort of their own home, however, we would always recommend going to the doctors for them to carry out the essential ones. Here are some of the most important checks you should be doing regularly to avoid or spot any developing health complications:

Heart Rate and Rhythm

First of all, checking your heart rate can be a fairly straightforward process. Your heart rate can tell you a lot about the health and wellness of the rest of your body by measuring its rate and potential irregularity. A healthy resting heart rate should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute. If you are a healthier and more active person, you would expect a lower heart rate. If you would like to measure your heartbeat from home, simply place two fingers on the part of your body where you can feel a pulse the best. Often this would be on your wrist, or your check just below your ear and jaw. Once you have your hands on the pulse, place a timer on for 60 seconds and concentrate on how many beats you can count. 

Heart rhythm is another health factor to consider which can be checked before any problems occur. Irregular heart rhythms can be caused by many things such as caffeine, tobacco, prescribed medicines, and many other things. Different heart rhythms can mean different things, but the main consequence of irregular heart rhythms is their liability in causing strokes. To spot this sooner rather than later, tap your foot for each heartbeat you measure and figure out if it seems irregular in some way. The doctors can measure this more carefully if you wish to go before. 

Skin Checks

Checking your skin is an important part of any regular health checkup. You can screen yourself at home, but if you do find any abnormalities you should visit the doctor immediately. For example, you should be checking your skin for new moles that are changing colour irritating, or if they start to bleed.  Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, so checking your skin especially if you have a lot of moles already or you are fair-skinned is important. If you also spend a lot of time in the sun you should be doing these checks more frequently.

Blood Pressure 

Blood pressure should be measured at least every 2 years after the age of 18. Checking blood pressure is important if you are overweight, or have other issues as having high pressure can increase the chances of heart disease and strokes. There are no early signs of these symptoms which makes checking blood pressure a vital part of preventing these problems from occurring. Normal blood pressure is 120 over 80, and high blood pressure is considered to be 130 over 80. This is something your doctor can check for you at your next health check-up.

Breast Checks 

Checking your breasts regularly is an important step to take if you have them. Spotting any signs of cancer, including breast cancer, early is the best way you can prevent any sort of tumor from growing and have it removed as early as possible. You can do a self-assessment of your breasts by checking for any changes in their shape, feeling for any lumps, and checking for any nipple changes in the skin. If you notice any differences yourself you should visit your doctor immediately and ask for a professional screening.

Genitelaur Checks

Similarly to breast checks, males should be regularly checking their testicles for any sort of lumps or swellings that can be recognised. These are tell-tale signs of cancer, and spotting them in the early stages of their formation can be the difference between a long-term problem and a problem solved. You should examine them yourself, and if you have any concerns that you have found, again you should contact your doctor and ask for their expert advice. A lot of the time there are easy solutions, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

Blood Sugar levels

Your blood sugar levels can determine whether you are susceptible to getting diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, blindness, dental diseases, and many more preventable problems. Of course, some people who have these problems are hereditary, but spotting when you have the first symptoms is key for preventing any worsening of the symptoms. There are now at-home blood glucose testing kits, but if your doctor believes that you need further tests you should take their recommendations. Individuals who are overweight might be asked to take blood sugar tests more frequently also, so doctors will recommend positive changes they can make to make your diet become healthier, to prevent spikes in blood sugar.

Dental Check

Many people neglect the health of their mouths until the last minute when things get really bad. You should follow a healthy dental hygiene routine regardless, but should also be checking for unusual lumps and bumps. Also, recurring gum problems can be a sign of gum disease. You should be visiting the dentist at least once a year for checkups. If you are considering any sort of teeth whitening at a cosmetic dental clinic, you should first make sure the health of your mouth is well looked after and maintained.


Your health should come before everything else. We tend to not appreciate our good health until we find ourselves struggling with it. The smartest procedure you could do would be to stay vigilant with your health checks, do your at-home screening with the techniques mentioned, and then also go for a regular checkup once a year at your GP. If you do find anything that you consider to be concerning, make sure you contact your doctors as soon as possible. Appointments for doctors are in their highest demand, so scheduling in time to prevent any developments of health issues will be 
