Thursday 16 January 2025

10 Things You Have In Common With Content Writers

Content writing is a vast field, unlike other areas where, you know a particular skill, and you excel in the field where the skill is applied. Content Writers have to be dynamic at all times, and wear different hats, for ultimately coming up with an engaging content. And, this is common with most of the content writers. If you are one of those zestful people, then, you could probably consider becoming a freelancer content writer. However, before considering it seriously, you would probably want to look at some of the things you might have in common, with impeccable content writers.

You are a researcher: It is certainly not possible for anybody to know about every topic under the sun. And, content writers always face a challenge, where they have to turn a raw information into a life filled with engaging content. So, they perform an extensive research, to gather as much information about a topic, to understand the topic to the best of their ability, at the first place. Only after a thorough research, they start writing.

You are a good editor: Although many companies, do hire editors, to oversee the content written by writers, Content writers themselves do play the role of an editor, before their content hits the editor’s desk. This is because, good content writers do not tolerate spelling and grammar mistakes in their content.

You always want to present something unique and exceptional: Content writers always want to come up with unique and original articles. They are usually the absolute ‘’No’’ Sayers, to plagiarism, rewriting, and spinning content.

You are a good content formatter: Apart from writing and editing, Content writers also pay attention to formatting content. They provide headings and sub-headings wherever required. They see that the font and spacing in the content has a good readability. They also see that the content is looking good on the screen.

You are not money minded: There are people who are making good money from writing content. However, content writing projects are not highly paid, when compared to other freelancing projects like, software application development or web designing. Thus, people who choose to provide content services, are mostly people whose passion always remains in writing.

You are also an SEO expert: Content writers do not just write engaging content. Apart from the language used, and its uniqueness, they also pay attention to keywords. They see that the content is optimized to increase the search ranking, for ultimately bringing more visitors to the site.

You are not glamorous: Content writers are mostly ghost writers, for whose efforts, others take the credit. However, content writers do not bother about getting attention. All they want is that, their efforts are being used for turning around a business.

You don’t care about getting recognized for your work: Content writers spend hours together, creating, writing, editing, and optimizing content for search result, to only hand over to a bloggers, who don’t recognize their effort. Bloggers only pat their backs themselves, simply because the blog is looking great, with a lot of stuff in it. It does hurt at times. But, what Content writers think is, ‘’if not me, the content written by me is available for a public view. And I feel proud about it.’’

You love idioms in the English language: Content writers always love to use fancy expressions in their content. They usually subscribe to websites, which send daily or weekly emails with idioms and its meanings.

You understand web sales pitch: Content writers always aim at creating a persuasive sales copy, for attracting, informing, and converting. They always look for gathering information on, who owns the business, what are the services they are offering, and who the target customers are.

If you think you have most of the aforesaid attributes within yourself, which are in common to freelancer content writers, then, content writing is what you ought to do. for content writing you could search at market place like contentmart