Saturday 27 July 2024

2 Cloud Solutions For Designers

When it comes to designing, there are endless processes always in motion and designers have to remain in touch with their clients and other stakeholders. Professional success in this field can mean reliable and disruption-free communication, and efficient file sharing. Managing all these aspects of your profession while spending hours with your creative works can be a big challenge to balance between. But with the right technology you can put everything in its place while ensuring easier and quicker dissemination of information any time and from anywhere.

Integration of Cloud Technology in Designing

The latest technology has dramatically changed the way we did everything. It is possible to remain connected with the world with just a click of the button. You can save time and boost your productivity. Cloud technology has revolutionized the IT world. Using this new technology, you can add new dimensions to your profession that could improve your efficiency and productivity like nothing before. This article is for you, helping you get introduced to the top cloud based solutions for designers.

SharePoint Host: This is a cloud based service that enables you as a designer to communicate, share and collaborate instantly and easily. You may have to communicate with you clients and other designers and contributors. You will have to share files, design elements, test copies and final copies with your clients. SharePoint allows you to build professional websites instantly and easily, where you can store your files and documents and share with anyone you desire.

The SharePoint Host allows you to host all types of websites instantly without the need to bear any costs. You can setup simple websites or extranet or intranet or a system for managing your documents. You can also setup a website for communicating with your collaborative team or clients. Here you can store all your files and projects, which can be accessed any time and from any location.

Benefits of SharePoint Host

There are many benefits of using this SharePoint Host service. You are no longer restricted to a single desktop. Your team can access, view and edit files depending on the level of access you have given to them. The best thing is that the SharePoint website is accessible across any operating system or device. There is no limitation as to what systems your teams can access the site – Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Blackberry and others.

Designers can now instantly get their teams collaborating, sharing and communicating on projects. And the best thing is that it doesn’t cost you more. Visit for more information about the cloud service.

Cloud Virtual Desktop: With virtual desktop, you will see enhanced growth in productivity while reducing your overall costs of maintaining the required hardware. It will make it possible for accessing virtual desktop from any location and over any device, delivering high level of flexibility to your team.

Data security is one of the biggest concerns for designers. Individual workstations connected together can get adversely affected by virus infections, leading to loss of crucial data. But thanks to hosted virtual desktop service, you can eliminate this loss because the data gets stored in highly secure and protected remote server. There is multi-layered security against data loss and viruses.

Cloud Virtual Desktop from Apps4Rent brings you the power to allow your team to access different applications from their system. Your team can access your applications simply over browsers or Remote Data Protocol and on any device without concern for operating systems.

This cloud desktop goes beyond giving access to the remote desktop from any location. It also allows your teams to access the local resources. Besides, you will have control over who shall be granted what level of access. There is 24×7 support for clients and all the data is backed up daily, thus ensuring high level of reliability and security. Visit for more information about this cloud service.
