Friday 03 May 2024

Does HTML5 Really Live up to the Hype?

Fans of new technology will recognize HTML5 as the new wave of Internet browsing and web development. Those less familiar with technology may have heard about the new language, but are unsure of what it is or what it is supposed to do. People on either side of the issues may still have questions about the new language and exactly how it will work or what it is supposed to change. If you are curious about the new HTML5, you won’t want to miss this easy-to-understand guide to the web of the future.

What is HTML5

HTML5 is the next big thing in web development. Currently, the programming language is still in development, and is used in very few places (although, according to Wikipedia, 34 of the top 100 websites currently use a version of the language). HTML5 is similar to the currently used HTML4, except that it is geared toward better applications across multiple operating systems, including mobile devices and differing Internet browsers. HTML5 is not only designed to replace the current HTML language, but it also has the goal of replacing other current website programming languages, such as XHTML and DOM Level 2 HTML. HTML5 is not a program or operating system, but rather a new language designed to have universal application for all web pages and browsers.

What will HTML5 change?What will HTML5 change

The goal of HTML5 is to replace the current web language system with one that is easier to use on mobile devices, easily recognizable by multiple computer systems and browsers, and easy for web developers to program as well. Because the language is entirely new, all browsers and computer devices will have to be programmed to read the new language. If you have a mobile device or Internet browser that cannot read the new language, then you will not be able to view web pages using the language.

Other, beneficial, changes to the new programming language include compatibility with application programming interfaces (such as JavaScript), better syntax error handling, increased security, and easier for mobile devices to read.

Obviously, HTML5 will change a lot of the way that websites work and operate, but as long as the everyday user keeps his or her browser up-to-date, it is unlikely that they will even notice a difference.

Does it live up to the hype?

Many tech-based companies, website developers, and programming professionals are wildly excited about the new programming language. The new language is hoped to fix many of the issues with the current programming system, which has a difficult time working with modern website trends and content. Since the version currently in use now was finalized in 1997, it is no surprise that it can no longer handle the programming demands of the modern website.

Whether or not the programming language will live up to the hype overall is yet to be seen. Only a few websites currently use the language, and many mobile devices and Internet browsers cannot read the language yet. Although those that have seen and used the initial development of HTML5 love the direction of the new changes, the language is still too new and underdeveloped to determine if it is able to resolve all of the issues with the current system.

Author Bio.:- Priya is a Technical SEO at Hopinfirst, a leading mobile app development company which provide best ios app development and Android app development Services.
