Saturday 04 May 2024

Can Oculus Rift Really Increase Your Fitness?

Can Oculus Rift Really Increase Your Fitness?

The reason why many of us never finish a diet or exercise routine is generally because of the lack of stimulus. There is only so many times we can run around the neighborhood, ride around a bike track and lift the same weight at the gym, before we start to get bored. This is where Oculus Rift has the potential to create never-ending stimulating fitness challenges that could revolutionize the way we stay fit and healthy.

Can Oculus Rift Really Increase Your Fitness?

How is Oculus Rift Going to Increase My Fitness?

The potential is there and while they haven’t released a complete solution, my vision along with others will probably result in a combination of Virtual Reality headsets like Oculus Rift combined with fitness wearables like FitBit or any other heart and distance monitoring device. Think of the potential as an extension of creative apps like the ‘Zombies! Run! App’.

Zombies! Run! App

If you are not familiar with the ‘Zombies! Run! App’ it is basically a way for people to connect their fitness with a horrific and heart pumping story line. You play a part in the story line where you must supply your community with supplies like food, water and other pharmaceuticals while avoiding being eaten alive by zombies. The apps story line comes through a narrator on your earphones and can be quite an exhilarating experience, which can certainly help motivate you to run, very quickly!

The potential

Now that you know what ‘Zombies! Run! App’ is, think of its potential in combination with Virtual Reality headsets and fitness wearables. The combination of both could certainly further our stimulating experiences when we run and dare I say some of us may even looking forward to exercising. While these experts list the top fitness apps every athlete should have, their list is bound to expand exponentially with the development of fitness games and apps within the Oculus Rift and fitness wearable platform. The integration of fitness apps into Oculus Rift and other fitness wearables really does open up the opportunity to experience something new and exciting while becoming fit and healthy at the same time.

When We Will See Oculus Rift& Other Virtual Reality Headsets In The Fitness Market?

There are already some ways to start using Oculus Rift to improve your level of fitness. But I would say within the next few years that there is going to be a rise in demand for fitness orientated Virtual Reality Headsets. I estimate that within the next 10 years it will become a serious culture and I for one personally look forward to it.
