Saturday 04 May 2024

Your Complete Guide To Auto Insurance

Your Complete Guide To Auto Insurance

A four-wheeler is a dream of every individual. While you may think purchasing a car is the end goal, let us remind you the little things that you miss. One such thing is the auto insurance. It is extremely important and mandatory if you want to drive legally. In the excitement of buying a car, people often miss out the little details that should be taken care of while availing the auto insurance cabot

Your Complete Guide To Auto Insurance

Before you begin

Know that every state has minimum coverages as per law. The 4 types of coverages are

  •    Liability coverage – It covers two things, bodily injury, and personal property. Bodily injury covers accident and personal property covers damaged imparted to other’s property due to the accident.
  •    Collision coverage – When faced with an accident, this pays for the damage caused to your own vehicle.
  •    Comprehensive coverage – Other than collision, it covers things like theft, fire or natural disaster.
  •    Uninsured motorist coverage – This can help you protect yourself in case you meet with an accident in which the other person is not insured.

Knowing the limits and deductions

Limit is a term that you may frequently come across when dealing with auto insurance. This refers to a maximum sum that an insurance company can lend you when a claim is made. It is displayed in two parts. For example, $30000 / $60000 is read as $30000 for per person involved in the accident and $60000 as the total the company can lend, irrespective of the number of people involved in the accident. The deductible amount is the one that you are responsible for paying. Post this, the company will pay out the remaining claim.

Multiple quotes

Whenever we buy something, we look in multiple places for the same thing and then compare prices, right? The same concept is applied here. You need to get quotes so that you can compare the policies. You need to verify that each policy provides almost equal coverage than others. You can easily find these quotes online. When dealing with quotes, there are three types of agents.

  •    Agents – These are those sell out their own insurance. They only provide one quote.
  •    Brokers – These form alliances with many insurers. He can be the source of quote comparison.
  •    Direct to company – Companies that directly deal with their customers.

Multiple quotes can help you decide what is best for you so that you can filter out the rest.


In the age of competition, everyone is trying their best to sell you their product or service. So the best way to decide is to ask your friends or relatives who have been in a similar situation before. You can reach out to groups on social media that post unbiased opinions on the same. Insurance companies are still in the business of making money, so they know that most of the times, a customer is unaware of his rights and so they pay only the amount that is the minimum legal limit of the claim. Therefore, it is advised to have an advocate who would save you of being robbed by their dirty business tactics.

So, go ahead and get the best insurance possible so that you can drive your car in peace.