Sunday 28 April 2024

Hiring The Best Digital Talent For Data Driven Marketing

In the last decade, conventional advertising has been gradually replaced by new and more improved digital marketing tools, which allow marketers to launch effective marketing campaigns that compel the consumers. One of the main reasons why these digital marketing campaigns have been largely successful is because of the availability of huge amounts of data about the consumer, which can be gathered using social media, online surveys and questionnaires, mobile phone apps, customer feedbacks, website cookies, etc.

However, while this data is very important in creating and launching data-driven advertising campaigns, what most people fail to realise is that the simple fact of having customer data does not guarantee the success of your marketing campaigns. In order to launch a great marketing plan, you must be able to use the collected data in the right way so as to reach the right audience at the right time. This can be achieved by hiring the best digital talent that specialises in data-driven advertising.

The benefits of Hiring Data-driven Marketing Experts

Data-driven marketing specialists are a very important part of an organisation, as they help you to use the collected data to create better marketing plans. Below is a look at some of the benefits that you can reap from hiring data-driven marketing experts:

1. They interact with the data to create data-driven marketing campaigns

As already mentioned above, being in possession of consumer data does not automatically guarantee that you will be able to launch a good marketing campaign. You must first understand what the data is saying, and then use it in the right way and on the right forums so that you can target the right market. This task is best left to data-driven marketing experts who can be able to capture consumer data using various channels, analyse and understand the captured data, integrate the data into marketing campaigns, and then launch the campaigns by targeting the consumer behaviours – for example, their spending and browsing habits. Therefore, hiring data-driven marketing experts provides your organisation with the ability to create highly effective data-driven advertising campaigns that bring in great results.

2. They leverage data to influence customers

Data-driven marketing experts are data scientists who are able to analyse the collected consumer data and then generate great insights that they can use to influence customers into buying goods and services. Therefore, having data-driven marketing experts on your team of marketers helps you to increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, bringing in more sales.

3. They help to personalise data-driven advertising campaigns

Data-driven marketing experts use the collected consumer data to create personalised marketing campaigns that are able to cater to the needs of each and every customer. This helps your campaigns to resonate with all the customers, be they old or young, high spending or lower spending customers, first-time or repeat buyers, and so on.

4. They help to increase the creativity of data-driven advertising campaigns

Data-driven advertising may have revolutionised the world of digital marketing, but it faces one main challenge – the lack of creativity, which reduces the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. However, this can be easily solved by hiring great digital talent that can introduce creativity into marketing plans to come up with more creative and engaging campaigns that increase customer targeting.

Tips for Hiring the Digital Talent for Data-driven Advertising

From the above benefits of data-driven marketing experts, it is quite clear that you must hire skilled experts if you want to use data-drive advertising to market your brand. And for your marketing campaigns to stand out, you must go for the best digital talent on the market. However, this is not easy, especially with the increasing demand for quality digital talent, which has organisations, both small and large, fighting to land the best talent. Therefore, if you want your data-driven marketing plan to work you must win the talent war and hire the best talent on the market. Below is a look at how you can land the best data-driven marketing talent.

1. Advertise the job position

The first step to hiring the best talent is to advertise the job opportunity in a manner that will allow the best talent on the market, both active and passive job seekers, to learn about your opening. You can advertise for the position through social media, on online job boards, using recruitment videos posted on YouTube and other social channels, using classified sites such as Craigslist, etc. For the best effect, you can even combine several platforms, thus ensuring that your advert reaches as many candidates as possible, which will increase the talent pool you have to choose from.

2. Use social media to recruit

In addition to using social media to advertise your position, you can also use social channels to shortlist, interview, and hire the prospective candidates who meet your requirements. One of the benefits of doing this is that social recruiting will provide you with many candidates who are already tech savvy, which is an important skill when for data-driven advertising. In addition, social media channels can provide you with a wealth of information that comes in handy when screening the candidates. For example, you can use social media profiles of candidates who have applied to learn about their hobbies, likes, dislikes, education background, personality, and so much more that can help you choose the best candidate.

3. Hire a recruitment agency

Using a recruitment agency is another top hiring trend in the current digital age that can help you to land the best digital marketing talent on the market. Recruitment agencies nowadays have websites that are a popular stop for qualified candidates looking for digital marketing jobs. Therefore, using one will help to advertise your vacancy to many qualified candidates, providing you with a wealth of talent to choose from. In addition, you can use a trustworthy recruitment company such as Sphere to receive job applications, shortlist the candidates, and even conduct interviews, thus saving you from the daunting task of hiring new employees.


Data-driven advertising has greatly revolutionised the world of marketing by providing digital marketers with a valuable tool that they can use to target their customers. However, in order for data-driven advertising to work, organisations using it must employ qualified digital marketing experts who can be able to analyse the data and integrate it into the marketing campaigns.
