Saturday 27 July 2024

Change Management On The Cards? Think Video Strategy

Change Management On The Cards? Think Video Strategy

Change is the only constant and this holds true for organizations. No firm, large or small, can remain stagnant for a long time. In order to grow and sustain, organizations need to continually adapt to the changing environment and re-invent themselves ahead of competition. How companies manage to survive the changing times determines success in both, the short and the long run.

It is imperative for organizations to communicate about change to all employees in the most effective manner possible for long-term success. In times of crisis and market uncertainty, addressing issues correctly with empathy is indispensable to profitability, longevity and brand value of the organization.

There is no one perfect way to communicate change. Change is uncomfortable, and adapting to it can be hassling. Businesses rely on emails, newsletters and meetings to address such issues, but often, information gets buried in an avalanche of threads.

Emails and phone calls may not be enough to convey emotional connect or lay the foundation for a conversation that builds clarity, care and trust. So how can organizations ensure that the right messages reach the audience, so that employees and top management are on the same page and that each one is aligned with the vision and mission of the company?

Enterprise Video is the Answer

Today with rapid digitization, an increasing number of organizations are leaning towards videos to meet their communication needs. With affordable digital video cameras and video-enabled cell phones, almost anyone can create, distribute, and view videos. The key to meeting the challenge of constant change is the ability of business leaders to share insights and visions with those who can turn strategic plans into action and revenue. Videos immensely help achieve that. Enterprise video is currently undergoing a transformation—into a more agile and effective approach.

Why Video Works

Video is a powerful medium to communicate messages because it bears semblance to in-person interactions. When leaders take out time to talk about a situation on their own, rather than through employees, the audience is prone to respond and react positively. Videos also increase engagement as compared to written words and extend the reach of messages through digital channels.

Videos can cut across regional and channel barriers and be sent across to the audience in times of turmoil. By creating videos, you can quickly and easily send relevant and timely content gets your message across and positions your organization as a leader in your industry.

Videos keep all your stakeholders informed about the present situation. You can engage your customers, employees, partners or the public by informing and responding to the questions that matter to them. Another way how videos are immensely useful is their assistance to top management if they want to deliver sessions. You can get the brightest minds on the same platform to share their perspectives and mold employee behavior for them to adapt.

The Convenience

By publishing relevant videos during difficult times, organizations can ensure that they reach out to a large audience through a constant stream of updates. A timely response to significant events with video content within hours, or even minutes, can enable companies to provide their customers with the answers they need.

To be an empathetic organization, you need to communicate clearly and regularly with everyone in your organization, regardless of location. Videos can help you do it. If a strong video strategy is executed correctly, rest assured you will be able to deliver productive communication between leaders and employees, create a can-do attitude, alleviate uncertainty, and thereby, drive your business in the right direction.