Friday 17 January 2025

Cleaning Products And Gadgets To Keep Your Hot Tub Or Spa In Tip Top Condition

Keeping your hot tub or spa clean is an essential part of owning one; not a job many people enjoy, but necessary all the same. There are however many products and gadgets on the market which are designed to make the job easier for you so you can spend more time enjoying the benefits your hot tub or spa have to offer and less time cleaning them out. To take a look at just a few of these popular products, we caught up with, one of the UK’s leading suppliers of hot tub accessories.

The Filter – An Essential Part Of The System

The filter is an essential part of your hot tub and necessary to keep the water clean and free from all sorts of debris; it can however be a breeding ground for all sorts of bacteria if neglected. To prevent this from happening, remove the filter and rinse it out every couple of weeks to remove any hairs, dead skin and leaves, then every couple of months it will need a more thorough clean to remove any oils that are saturating it and preventing the water from flowing through freely.

To do this, soak the entire filter overnight in a bucket containing a cleaner such as AquaSPArkle Spa Cartridge Cleaner to remove the oil and grease. After at least ten hours or the next day, remove the filter from the cleaning solution and rinse carefully before drying thoroughly. Drying is an important part of the process as it will ensure the pores close back up to provide effective filtration.

How Can You Cleanse The Surface?

Cleaning the surface of your hot tub can sometimes be difficult, particularly around the water line where general cleaners can be ineffective. Try the Mytee Mitt instead to make easy work of it.

Simply place your hand inside the glove and gently rub the surface of your hot tub or spa to remove any stubborn dirt and marks. It is non-abrasive so it won’t harm the surface at all. Try also a Spa Brush with its unique semi circular shape designed to clean the contours of your tub without causing damage.

At the end of the day, no one likes cleaning out their hot tub and would much rather spend time relaxing in it, however if you’ve got the right products, they’ll do most of the hard work for you and ensure your spa is clean and safe as quickly as possible!
