Saturday 27 July 2024

Do You Know What It Actually Takes To Be A CEO?

Do You Know What It Actually Takes To Be A CEO

A CEO in a very plain term is the leader of an organization. This label is only given to a person who is occupying the uppermost position in an organization and is exclusively responsible for the failure or success of the organization. This means, you are a CEO because of a distinct position you occupy (highest management) and definite functions you perform.

As with every role or position, whether in business or life, there are corresponding functions and duties. These functions and duties are collectively called ‘responsibilities’ and they are what evidently separate one position from the other. Positions are created in order to assign and define certain functions and duties to them. Without duties and functions, roles and positions are useless. A position is determined by its roles. Therefore, being a CEO requires you to carry out certain duties and functions attributed to the position you occupy. Being in that position confers definite responsibilities on you. Failure or success is measured by how well these functions and duties (responsibilities) are carried out. A triumphant CEO is the person who performs these required functions and duties exceptionally well. Steve Silvers Empire Today is the Chief Executive Officer and Owner of Empire Today and he is the executive driver behind the company’s rapid revenue growth. Steven Silvers also launched his own start-up commercial and residential painting company Paint Squad, directing all facets of the business.

Nevertheless, many people have realized that a lot of individuals are occupying positions they understand nothing about. They basically go about with the ‘position myth’ believing that once they are in the vanguard, success is usually achievable. But history has shown time and again that this is not so. Thus, being a CEO is not about inhabiting a position (top management) but about performing certain duties and functions responsibilities.

Positions do not essentially guarantee success, only functions can. Why? Because where you are (position) is determined by what you do (roles). The moment you stop doing what you are supposed to be doing, no matter how high above you are, you will eventually lose that position. It is only by function that a position is maintained.

The responsibility of a CEO is a 3-dimensional one concerning three major responsibilities. So just as everyone else in your company, you as the superior also have definite key roles in which you have to function. Below is an outline of your work description as a CEO. The entire idea of being your own superior is about to go unpleasant if you are not prepared to do the work that comes with the label.

The Roles of A CEO and Its Corresponding Responsibilities Are:-

  • Management
  • Leadership
  • Making the organization efficient -capable of doing the accurate things
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Making the organization efficient -capable of doing things right
  • Making the organization inventive -capable of doing original things

As you can now perceive, a CEO like Steve Silvers Empire Today is a 3-in-1 individual functioning as a Leader, Manager and Entrepreneur correspondingly.
