Saturday 27 July 2024

Enterprise Software: Is It Worth The Hassle And Expense?

When you run a business, one of the ways you can increase productivity is by using computer software to automate some tasks. It’s an approach that is cheaper than paying people to do things by hand.

As your company grows, its needs start to change. When you have a large workforce, it’s inevitable that you will need to use different software. Computer software is only developed to meet particular needs. So if yours change, your software will also need to change.

You might find yourself in this predicament right now. You might even have heard about “enterprise software.” But what is it, and is it something your business needs? Or is it not worth the hassle and expense?

The following examples are some of the classic reasons why you might need to make the move to enterprise software:

Enterprise Software: Is It Worth The Hassle And Expense?

Invoicing and Finance

I am guessing your firm uses different software for invoicing and finance purposes at present. For small enterprises, there is no issue with such a setup. It’s likely that, when your business was smaller, you didn’t have many staff that used both systems.

But, now that your company has grown, you will doubtless have noticed your existing setup is no longer “fit for purpose.” Small-scale software packages can groan under the weight of demand by your users.

In such cases, enterprise software can save the day. Instead of running two or more software systems, all your users log into the same application. You’ll find that companies who need convergent billing systems will always opt for such a uniform solution. It makes life easy for your employees and your customers.


Does your company sell physical products? If so, you know how important it is for your warehouse systems to integrate with other systems. For example, your sales department will need to know how much stock you’ve got.

Your finance department will need an analysis of how often you sell each product to determine pricing for end users. Purchasing needs to ensure you don’t run out of stock and place orders with manufacturers accordingly.

In a conventional setup, a lot of time gets wasted because workers would need to get colleagues to find stuff out. Enterprise systems like SAP enable you to find out any information for yourself.


Believe it or not, most companies don’t use data to their advantage. All businesses have a wealth of knowledge that is seldom used for growing sales. Take sales figures as an example. Sales data can get analyzed to determine consumer trends.

With such information, you can create promotions and special offers for your customers to help increase sales during quiet periods. With individual systems, getting such data would take too long.

Enterprise software makes such a task quick and easy. That is especially the case when you are dealing with “big data.” Some company owners might hesitate at buying enterprise software because of the costs involved.
But the amount of extra sales they lose from not having such software in place is much more than the cost of the software!
