Saturday 27 July 2024

Features To Look For In Your Business App

Whether your run a small business or a large corporation, one thing is for sure, you can’t ignore the mobile revolution. But, mobile doesn’t just end with responsive websites or e-commerce functions. In today’s world, businesses need to take things one step further. They need to boost the mobile user experience for consumers and that’s where apps come into the picture.

Apps can be extremely useful for businesses today. However, how much an app benefits your business depends on what capabilities and functions it has on offer. In fact, if you were to take a look at most apps today, they either lack a feature or two or have something completely useless incorporated into them.

So, at the next meeting with your mobile app developer, make sure you discuss the following.


A mobile app must be easy to use. That’s pretty much the whole point of technology. It must simplify complex processes and functions. An app should embody that philosophy. To get an idea of what a usable app looks like, just observe popular apps such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

If you can make your interface easy to use, you’ve already crossed the first hurdle. Now add some aesthetic value and you’re sure to garner plenty of positive response.


Always make room for customization. The last thing that consumers want is a rigid app. Give them the freedom to manipulate settings according to their comfort and convenience. The more flexibility you offer to your consumers, the more likely they are to become loyal to your app.

It also reduces room for error and gives the user the ability to fix errors, if any.


In line with our first feature, we have another key factor to be assesses in an app – simplicity. Avoid cluttering the interface with too much. You might think it’s appealing and sometimes, even the customer might think the same. But, in reality, it only complicates usage.

Prioritize functionality. If you’re adding something make sure it’s something that the consumers will use. Avoid overdoing things and always stick to the basics.


A good thing about modern technology is that it has opened up communication channels between thee consumer and the business. Just as there are feedback systems on your website, you need to incorporate similar feedback systems into your app.

Feedback is an important part of running a business and an app should help you collect feedback. By incorporating a feedback system into your business app, you’re also making it easier for consumers to engage with you. This is something consumers will appreciate you for.

Social Media Login

Customers don’t have time to waste and if they need to connect with you, you have to make things easy. Adding a social media login option is one way to save time and effort. With a social media login feature, users can simply login to your app using the exact same credentials they use for their social media apps.

This will save all the time they would otherwise take to create a completely new username and password. Also, remember to keep them signed in.

Minimize Clicking

Of course, your app is going to have contact forms and what not. That’s a good thing. However, make sure you don’t force your customer to click too many things. Try to get rid of clicks as much as you can. Minimize the amount of information requested.

When the customer is asked to go through a long signing up process, conversion rates have been known to take a hit.

Engagement occurs within a short window period, so make sure your sign up and contact process fits that window period.

Avoid Too Much Change

Change is a good thing, but, it can also be a problem, especially in the context of an app. This is another important topic to discuss with your mobile app development partner. Ask them to create an app that’s similar to your website.

Make sure all the key features you had on your website is also there on your app. Adding familiar functions will help customers adapt to the app better. This is especially important if there were certain functions or features on your website that customers relied upon heavily.
