Monday 21 October 2024

Furniture As Art?

Furniture As Art?

Throughout the years there are have been some beautiful and iconic pieces of furniture created by amazing designers. Getting hold of such furniture can be both difficult and prohibitive in terms of cost, which is where reproduction designer furniture comes into play.

If you thought chairs were just for sitting on and tables were just for eating off, think again. Form versus function has always been the perennial debate, but with designers continually creating aesthetically pleasing furniture, it has become an art form in its own right. With designers becoming as well known and revered as artists, there are some designers you really need to know about.

Function and Form

One particular evocative chair is the Lounge Wood Chair(LCW) by Charles and Ray Eames from Venice, California.

Designed in the 1940s and made of moulded plywood, this chair was named by Time magazine as the Best Design of the 20th Century. It’s both an iconic and beautiful chair reminiscent of the 1940s and 1950s eras, striking the perfect balance of form and function. It’s a piece of visual three-dimensional art that you can also sit on.

Unfortunately, the price of an original Eames of such beauty is out most people’s budget, but that’s where reproduction designer furniture by Pash Living can help. With a beautiful LCW Chair inspired by Eames, you can experience the same iconic look and style without breaking the bank.

Let Your Style Show

Replica designer furniture allows you to experience the style and form and appreciate the beauty that was the objective when the design was originally created. Just like buying a print of a work of art by Vincent Van Gogh, you get to appreciate the artist’s intent, purpose and meaning when the cost of an original would be totally unaffordable to most of us.

Turning away from the mass market furniture from the chain stores in every town and delving into the world of more this affordable designer furniture allows you to express yourself artistically and aesthetically within the functionality of your fixtures, fittings and furniture. Indulge yourself in the beauty of well-designed furniture and really enjoy your surroundings.

As William Morris said: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”
