Saturday 27 July 2024

Guidelines On How To Evaluate Elevator Service Provider

The users of commercial elevators have such high expectations that they cannot imagine it to be under breakdown at all. All maintenance programs are aimed at ensuring minimum downtime and with some amount of luck you can achieve zero breakdowns too. But it can never be assured. Identify a reliable service provider who is conversant with all aspects of commercial elevator repair in NY and entrust the job of maintaining the elevators to them. They know best how to keep elevators up and running round the clock throughout the year.

Manufacturer versus others

The age of the elevator has something to do in selecting the service provider. If the elevator is newly installed or not more than a decade old, then it is better to depend on the manufacturer to provide the maintenance support. The spare parts of these elevators may not be widely available outside and the technology also might not be well understood by others. The manufacturers are the best bet in such cases to provide the best maintenance services. As the elevators grow old, the spares are easily available in the market and the technology also becomes known to other companies providing services for commercial elevator repair in NY

Guidelines On How To Evaluate Elevator Service Provider

Look for a Service Provider

Manufacturers are not interested to service old machines as they are more inclined to sell new ones and  as the number of new elevators are much less than the number of old elevators, you will always find many companies that provide efficient maintenance and repair service for  elevators of all kinds and brands. The elevator service provider that has trained and experienced technicians, a good service management system, maintains good stock of spares and is committed to provide quality service to its customers should be the company that you can depend upon.

Evaluating Parameters

Here are some parameters to be considered for objectively evaluating service provider of commercial elevator repair in NY.

  • Response time – Consider the time taken by the companies to respond to service calls. Some companies respond in less than an hour and get the elevator running in a very short time. There are others for whom both these actions take much longer time that increases the downtime. Moreover, services have to be provided round the clock for 365 days a year.
  • Number of service calls – The lesser number of service calls per customer is a good indication of the reliability of maintenance services. It also indicates that companies with lesser calls are more capable of addressing the root cause of the problem that avoids recurrence of breakdown.
  • Chargeable service calls – This is a hidden cost that can affect your maintenance budget. Take note of the average number of chargeable service calls of the companies to find out how much justifiable these are in your context.
  • Service call charges – Take note of the minimum hours that the company bills for. Some companies charge for a minimum of 2 to 3 hours whereas they generally complete the work in about an hour.

This guideline should be useful to select the most suitable company for commercial elevator repair in NY
