Thursday 23 January 2025

How Simulation Can Change The Way Of Study Of History?

How Simulation Can Change The Way Of Study Of History

Simulation means to imitate and it makes learning fun for students because they enter into the skin of the characters through role-playing. Through this form of learning, the direct interaction of the teacher and students upsurges and the teacher and the pupil exhibits their skill in artificially created environment.

Simulation has recently entered into the realms of learning and education and is been used differently at different levels. Teachers are imparted training to adopt teaching through simulations. In simulation plays, communication skill is enhanced and the lessons are taught through practical approach and is been currently used in the spheres of history, literature and science. History simulation will help the students to grasp better and be aware of the practical implications that come in our life.

Ways to Teach History with the Aid of Simulation

While teaching history through simulation, few things should be kept in mind to make the subject interesting for the pupils and the pupils gets fully engrossed while enacting the lesson. Make 3-4 groups of students in class and leave them free to initiate.

Create the Scene

The teacher should create the scene of history lessons and ask the pupils to prepare themselves for the characters. They should indulge in debating and discussing about the characters so that they become aware how to prepare and enter into the skin of the depicted characters.

Full Participation of the Pupils

Simulation makes the lessons interesting and even the introverts too initiate and enact their characters. The teacher task is to monitor that the whole class participates fully, consequently, it will be easier to learn as practical and visual classes have more impact on the pupils than reading texts.

Distribute Roles

The characters of History simulation should be distributed fairly among the students, the best way to choose is through pick and choose. Make chits of different names and put it in a box and ask the students to pick one for themselves. There won’t be any discussion of partiality by the teacher and it will be a fun for the pupils.

Check Antecedents of the Characters

When character is assigned, ask them to delve deep and find about the antecedents of the character so that they can prepare their roles accordingly. If the students are aware of the nature and feature of character, they would perform better.


Social media is an excellent medium for re-enactment and the students can create page on different social media platforms on their respective roles. They can share their characters on the pages and attract friends and peer of the same age group. They can discuss and debate and gain knowledge more about the subject.


History is an important and interesting subject which tells us of our glorious past and we learn a lot from our respective leaders and characters. The school students find the subject boring reading history textbooks. Introduction of History simulation will encourage the students and it will stimulate their minds. Simulation is fun while learning because of immense interaction between the students and freedom of expression.
