Sunday 09 February 2025

How To Get Instagram Followers

Using Instagram for the branding of your talents or yourself is quickly becoming a raging trend. With the massive popularity of Instagram users like Murad Osmann (@muradosmann), Wellington Campos (@camposwell), Andrew Knapp (@andrewknapp) and Cory Richards (@coryrichards); each with his own unique niche of posts, you just can’t help but be motivated. These talented Instagramers have collectively have millions of followers rooting for them, wanting to know about their new adventures and new creative posts they will share on their accounts. Their legions of loyal followers wait patiently for each new post to show up on their screens.

Here are a few practices these ‘non-celebrity’ Instagramers have been using that give them a distinct advantage over their peers.

Really, really good Quality Posts

Have a look at the accounts discussed above. The first thing that pops out is the quality of the images and videos shared. Each image is high resolution, no matter which media you use, your laptop screen, your mobile phone or your tablet, the image easily adheres to each media screen for breathtaking results. Consistency in high quality, not only keeps your old followers happy, but it entices new followers too.

Start engaging with other users

It is a fact that you will be doing more ‘liking’ on different posts as compared to commenting on them. In fact, an Instagram survey points out that ‘every second Instagram users create 575 new likes and just 81 new comments, even including generic ones like ‘nice post’!

Thus, if you do comment on someone’s post, given he or she is a relatively active user, the person will surely going to visit your profile. These users will not only view your posts, but there is a 401% more chance of them following you to ensure future activities.

Liking other people’s photos generates more followers and ‘likes’ for you

According to Neil Patel, an IT writer on, for every 100 likes on different users’ posts by you, you can expect 6 users to follow you. It is pure human nature at work to ensure that they keep receiving the ‘like’s. To make it higher, you can get instagram followers from reputed resources.

Connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts

Connecting all your active social media accounts increase your chances of augmenting your follower base exponentially. This ensures not just your friends on one platform know about your Instagram activity, but the friends’ friends also are privy to knowledge of your Instagram account. There by enticing them to follow you when they use the Instagram app.

Use popular filters

Although most professional photographers frown upon the use of too many image altering tools, but hey! You are on Instagram, it’s the whole appeal of the app, to play with filters and post fresh perspective to normal, average looking scenes. Besides Instagram filters gives a nice pop of freshness to your posts.

Use your hobby as your Niche and put related hashtags

If you have a hobby, use it as your niche, this will attract many community followers of that particular niche to follow you too. Add hashtags like #followme and #l4l along with popular and niche tags, to encourage your viewers to follow you. And provided that you engage your audiences with comments and likes of your own, you will see a huge difference in the followership of your account.
