Saturday 27 July 2024

How to Make Your Essays Plagiarism Free

Plagiarism is a serious issue as no universities and colleges accept plagiarized content in the essays submitted by students. Even though there are many tools available online to check plagiarism, only a few of them do a commendable job and let you know if your content is plagiarized or not.

Therefore, it is the responsibility of students to make sure the contents in their essay is 100% original and does not contain any plagiarized data. To prepare essays that is original and that can help the student get good grades in the exams is not an easy task.

To write original content, students need to spend hours on researching and reading about the topic of the essay and then write many drafts to finally have an essay that is 100% original. But, when you are having less time and there are many other important things to do, it is better to get the help of an online writing agency like which can provide you with plagiarism free customized essays.

Here are some simple tips students can use to make their essay plagiarism free. But, as mentioned earlier, you need to use proper tools for checking the content.

Tips to Make Your Essays Plagiarism Free

  1. Do not Copy Paste: When you are writing an essay for your college, it is important not to copy-paste the content from the internet. If you just copy-paste the content, then your essay will be plagiarized and will not get you any grade. There are many colleges and universities who will take action against students if they are caught for plagiarized content. Therefore, to avoid all those complications, it is better to avoid the copy-paste option.
  1. Use a Source but Write Your Own Essay: There is nothing wrong in using a source as a reference when preparing your essay. But, students have to make sure they write their own content and use the reference in the most effective way. It is important to confirm the content you have written is original.
  1. Do Your Own Research: It is good to perform research and take the idea from different source and then use it in such a way that your essay will look original and genuine. It is important to keep a note of the electronic sources you are using so that you can, in the later stages, make sure the content in your essay is 100% yours and not from the sources.
  1. Paraphrase Carefully: When you are planning to paraphrase a material into your essay, it is okay to copy the actual quotation into a rough document and then change it using your own words. Once you are done with the changes, compare both and make sure there is no plagiarized content. After confirming for plagiarism, you can use the paraphrased content in your essay.
  2. Keep All Source Details: It is important to keep all the details of the source with you. Once you are done with writing the essay, you can compare the content with these sources to make sure your essay does not contain any plagiarized data.


Plagiarism is a serious offence and no institutions will admit students to submit plagiarized content. By keeping the point discussed above in mind, you can prepare an essay that is free from plagiarized content.
