Saturday 26 October 2024

How To Prepare A Welcome Book For Your New Buyers

Whenever you change your dwelling it certainly takes some time to adapt to those freshly imposed living conditions. Circumstances will eventually compel you to relocate to another residence, so a lot of previously reflexive or automated activities (knowing where the light switches are, how to find the right water temperature for bathing, how to open doors without making much noise, what grocery store is the cheapest, etc.) simply become obsolete. New habits clearly have to be established, still, it can be a dull process until you get the hang of things, so you’ll probably wish you had some guidance to speed accustomization up.

Once property has been purchased, then the best thing you can do for your new buyers is to help them make that transition as smooth and comfortable as possible. Imagine what it would be like if you have moved into a property where you don’t exactly know how to use the appliances, adjust the thermostat, or find the nearest grocery store. It can be tedious. So to ensure a positive, stress-free beginning, a detailed welcome book should always be available for the newcomers. The contents of this manual depend on many factors (location, electricity, plumbing, infrastructure, etc.), but here are a few tips which can help you outline the basics.

How To Prepare A Welcome Book For Your New Buyers


When your buyers arrive, it is customary to greet them and appreciate them for choosing your property as their residence. A warm welcome can lessen a lot of stress which occurs due to packing, logistics, moving and unpacking. The first section of the manual should contain all the necessary arrival information. Lay out the walkthrough of the building unit and make sure if there is something which needs attendance. If the need arises, the buyers should also be provided with the information on the local companies that provide the necessary services. For example, if there is a possibility of building an extension, the buyers should know who can manage that kind of a project.

The Keys

Besides the keys to the apartments or the house, every property has all manner of special keys which allow access to storage units, garages, elevators, rooftops, cellars, and other areas. That is why it is important to instruct the buyers on what particular area requires what particular key. If the property is a bit more sophisticated, for instance, with electronics and digital locks, then special passcodes also need to be delivered and placed in the manual. If the new owners want to change the digital locks and passcodes, they will need the contact information of the company that handled the previous installation.

How To Prepare A Welcome Book For Your New Buyers


If new residents own a car, than you have to let them know what their designated parking spot is and if there are any special occasions when the vehicle has to be moved. Consequently, you have to offer them alternatives, should necessity demand them. Also, add information regarding snow removal and other relevant traffic actions during extreme weather.


You simply cannot leave this unattended in your manual. Letting buyers know how to use air conditioning is vital. Don’t forget to mention the costs of using such appliances so that they are fully aware why it is good to conserve energy to begin with. If they are not already eco-oriented, a pamphlet on cutting energy use would be a great addition to the welcome book.

Appliances and Electronics

A lot of appliances and electronics come with extensive instructions, despite the fact that they are quite self-explanatory. Place every instruction on the manual so that there won’t be any misunderstandings. You can also add a short and simple hot-to-use guidelines for the, for instance, washing machine, dryer, coffee maker, TV, Internet connection, stove, fire extinguish, locks and roller door remotes.

How To Prepare A Welcome Book For Your New Buyers

Rules and Regulations

Every building has them, so consequently every buyer should possess a copy of the HOA (Home Owners’ Association) rules and regulations. Bottom line, this helps them thoroughly understand how to behave in specific situations. Bear in mind that this document has to be updated regularly, since any rule or regulation can be immediately changed and altered for practical purposes.

Facts about the neighborhood

Once you situate yourself in a new neighborhood, things can get a bit confusing and disorienting until you get the hang of things. Sometimes it is easy to get lost, so it is paramount to provide information along with a map which clearly shows where the nearest grocery stores, malls, major offices, markets, major streets, highways, landmarks, restaurants and other amenities are. Food is usually the main concern of many newcomers, which is why you should also include a directory of take-out restaurants with their menus. Finally, should something go awry, the police, paramedics and firefighters should be a call away and along with traffic information (train, bus, taxi, and rent-a-car; plus maps), which is always welcome.

How To Prepare A Welcome Book For Your New Buyers


Besides knowing how and when to call emergency services, buyers should also have all the necessary information to avoid any trouble during the emergency itself. A map of the apartment building is of the essence here as well as all the fire escape routes. Remember, contacting authorized people during such alarming circumstances is one thing, but knowing how to behave and act for yourself, family and other people who inhabit the building unit is another. Allow each resident to provide you with contact information to their trusted neighbor, should they desire to play it safe for themselves (otherwise they can leave a blank space). Also, maintenance and other important building/property contacts should always be at every buyer’s disposal.

Selling a home, no matter whether it’s a house or an apartment, also means to provide a carefully planned customer service to your buyers. This manual serves a practical purpose and it is also a great way to get things in order. It is your substitute for all the inevitable Q&As. Just remember to learn from your previous dwellers’ suggestions, be quick to adapt to changes and simply make newcomers relish the fact that their new home is organized and well-kept.