Monday 10 February 2025

How To Successfully Sell Ex-chainstore Clothing

How To Successfully Sell Ex-chainstore Clothing

Beginning or maintaining your business is a difficult thing to do, especially when your business specialises in a market that’s overflowing with businesses competing for attention and sales. Selling ex-chainstore clothing – despite the competitiveness – is a great way to make money. You get the clothing cheap, sell it for a little more. This means that you can keep your prices low, ensuring that you’re very competitive in a market which is bloated, as we said.

Buy quickly

If you know anything about fashion, clothing or business altogether, you’ll know that trends come and go all of the time. This means that something which was selling well last month might not sell at all this month.

If you’re going to sell ex-chainstore clothing, it’s important to purchase the clothing as soon as you can once it’s available; start selling it as soon as you can. By quickly purchasing and making it available for people to buy it from you, the clothing is possibly still on trend so that you can begin selling it before that item stops being trendy.

If you wait a couple of months, even weeks, by the time you’re selling the clothing, there’s no assurances that people are going to be interested in purchasing it anymore; you’ll end up with a pile of stock that you can’t get rid of, no matter how good your prices are.

Low prices

There’s a few reasons why your clothing is ex-chainstore: it isn’t fashionable, it’s old, it’s out of season. Basically, it either wasn’t or isn’t going to sell, maybe both. Potential buyers perusing your store are going to know if either 3 of these reasons is the case or not, so it’s your job to persuade them otherwise so that they purchase the products that you have available.

One way you can increase the chances of people purchasing your products is by making them available at a price which is highly competitive. Whilst this sounds like you’re going to be losing out on profit, realistically you need low prices when you’re selling clothing that hasn’t been a hit elsewhere.

With low prices, regardless of how old, fashionable or out of season your clothing is, those having a look around your shop are certainly more likely to purchase: high prices on clothing that doesn’t earn its price tag is just going to leave you with no sales.


Whilst physical shops still make money, shopping has gradually moved online. In fact, a study found that 96% of Americans shop online – with the majority preferring online shopping. Admittedly, that is an American study, but we’re willing to bet that this statistic expands to other countries where the majority of people use the internet every day.

Capitalising on the amount of people who prefer shopping online is remarkably easy yet so difficult, a problematic situation.

To start capitalising on all of those people who shop online, there’s one thing that everybody needs to have a chance of succeeding: a website.

A website gives you the opportunity to begin selling your products online, a great opportunity for you to reach a wider audience and potentially earn more money. It can also make your business more profitable if you move your business online as you won’t need to rent a physical store to sell your ex-chainstore clothing.

If you feel that a website might not quite be the right option for you, you’re in luck: building your own website has never been easier and if you do need help, it has never been cheaper to have somebody create one for you.

By not having a website, you’re missing out on thousands of potential customers who might never come across your physical shop.

This article is written by Rebecca Fearn with helpful information from Raisan Fashions. Rebecca is a Yorkshire lass who is currently obsessing about clean eating and fitness. The rest of the year she loves tea and cake!
