Saturday 27 July 2024

Make Google My Homepage What It Has To Offer?

The World Wide Web has grown rapidly for several years now, it is tough to believe that it’s now been more than a decade since the dot-com busts. There were several businesses that had simply no clue of as to what they were up to, but they just decided to jump on the bandwagon and do what everyone else is up to trying to drive new business. Although there are many failures at that time, there were also some that turned out to be very successful including one tech giant of nowadays, Google. None can really dispute their dominance on the Web today as far as having the best search engine available and the most effective marketing traffic around.

Make Google My Homepage What It Has To Offer?

Get Information Instantly!

As a matter of fact, Google’s HomePage is vital to having the best possible information accessible at your fingertips, and it is highly recommended that you make Google your homepage and then start searching. You may be wondering that I should use other search engine and pages, but the experience you enjoy by making Google your homepage is amazing. Time is just too short to be messing around with other search engines, it is a great idea to start getting used to working with the one which is the best already and the way to do that is by setting your system preferences to having Google be the default website while you open up a new browser.

Easy To Setup

It is extremely easy to establish the Google Homepage as your default homepage. It you are using Internet Explorer Web browser simply open a new window and navigate to the top of the page and click on ‘Tools’ tab, then ‘internet Options’. As now the ‘General’ tab would be showing, just type into the box and the click the OK button. Then you can close the current window, open a new one and you will have Google set as your homepage.  If you are using FireFox Web browsers, the process is very much similar except that you first navigate to the ‘Tools’ tab and then ‘Options’.

Make Google My Homepage What It Has To Offer?

Innovative Apps and Effective Productivity Tools

There are numerous applications and tools that you can enjoy with Google being your Homepage, and you certainly will not regret it! In case you have any queries, you can find all your questions answered in various sections at Google already. If you are still wondering about how to ‘make Google my homepage’ switch on your computer then just give it a try on your computer and you will have great fun!
