Friday 14 February 2025

Maximising Fire Safety In Your Home

Fire can be truly devastating. Not only does it endanger your very life but also it threatens to take away your possessions and even your property if you manage to escape unscathed yourself. For this reason many people look for ways to push fire safety in their homes as far as they practically can to minimise danger to themselves and their homes. From simple smoke alarms to the more high-tech systems provided by Automist installers in Bristol, there are a number of possibilities you might want to consider.

The Basics

Don’t underestimate the basics when it comes to maximising home fire safety; in particular, having a working smoke alarm can drastically reduce the risk of dying in a fire and be a huge help in identifying and dealing with flames before they have a chance to spread. Make sure you have a suitable number of smoke alarms installed for the size of your home and test them regularly.

Another basic point that is widely known yet rarely followed is to adhere to the precautions for certain pieces of electrical equipment and to have high-risk items tested regularly. Never leave electric heaters unattended, no matter how safe the circumstances may seem, and make sure you have electric blankets properly tested when necessary.

A Safe Exit

Even the most thorough and diligent efforts will not reduce the risk of fire to absolutely zero. If a fire does break out and has got beyond the point of being extinguished then and there, your first priority should be preserving your own life and the life of anyone else in the house. This means a swift, safe exit.

This can be a problem when your exit is bottlenecked, such as by having to go through a certain hallway. If this might be a problem, consider contacting a company such as Mainpoint Bristol Automist installer to talk about advanced sprinkler systems to keep bottleneck points clear.


Kitchens deserve special consideration. They are the room where a fire is most likely to break out but are not suitable for smoke alarms, which can appear to be a problem; however, a smoke alarm in a nearby room will probably be adequate. If you are worried, other types of fire alarm activated by extreme temperatures rather than smoke can be placed in kitchens.
