Monday 06 May 2024

More Than Just Data Storage

More Than Just Data Storage

Why trust your valuable business data to a random virtual private server? Protect your company information with the added security you need. When you choose quality cloud hosting in the UK, you won’t be disappointed with the best technology available today.

More Than Just Data Storage

Truly Virtual Storage and Protection

When your applications are stored in a truly virtualized environment, there is no limit to the customization options you can choose. Enjoy truly flexible and scalable storage that is powered by a capable SSD. Since there is no hardware to worry about, you’ll experience exceptional performance and unparalleled reliability.

Be confident in the fully ISO 27001 certified environment in which your data is stored. There are many layers of virtual as well as location based security in place to keep your data locked down tight. Relax with an affordable support package that provides you with around the clock management and protection for all you data. With 100% uptime guarantees, you won’t ever be in a position where you can’t access your data. That keeps your business in motion and your profits growing.

There are options to maximize your business needs. Deciding which type of storage system your business will benefit from is easy with customizable options. There are private, hybrid and public storage solutions with incredible flexibility and robust operational access. All you need to do is decide which system works best for your data needs. With a private server, your large company will benefit from the server’s ability to keep easy pace with your high demand applications while remaining strictly private and for company use only. Or, you can choose a public storage solution. While other users can pay to access this server, you won’t experience any slowing of access due to another user’s higher demand. There are also hybrid choices that fit dual data needs.

Additional Benefits

One of the defining features of this type of storage is the extreme flexibility. When your business demands increase the need for storage, your available space expands to easily accept the incoming data. Scaling down produces the same effect with a reduction depending on demand.

The self-healing properties recognize if there is ever a problem and fix it immediately without the need for human intervention. This high level of user-friendly options and benefits make this choice in data storage a strong candidate for your needs.

Being able to access your data and use it with impressive speed and accuracy will be a welcome addition to your service. Smooth downloads and fast access to images, videos and documents are essential for the day to day operations of your business. Whether accessing this versatile data storage from a PC, laptop or on your mobile, you experience impressive access without interruption or slow response.

You will also benefit from the reliability of redundancy. If for any reason a part of your service were to fail, another node automatically replaces the one damaged and continues 100% uptime and data availability. Count on the many included features to keep your data secure, available and failsafe.