Saturday 04 May 2024

Online Safety Tips For Seniors

Online Safety Tips For Seniors

Today’s technological innovations have paved the way for older generations to relate to the cyberworld. Thanks to technology, we can reconnect with old friends, check our bank accounts, and search for things that are new to us right in the comfort of our homes.

Online Safety Tips For Seniors

However, ease of technology also has its drawbacks. For one, there are people who can take advantage of you. This is why it is important to be vigilant and to follow these online safety tips for seniors.

  1. Be wary of online fraud and scams.

Aside from playing games and managing finances, some seniors also use the Internet to find romantic partners. There are a lot of dating sites that cater specifically to seniors. Let’s admit it, they didn’t grow up with computers, so online scams are a foreign matter to many of them.

Thus, some seniors are not aware that identity theft and online fraud can happen. To be safe, they should not give out personal information to people who they just met online. Be wary of links or emails that give free getaways or gifts in exchange of personal details.

  1. Use strong passwords.

Emails and online financial accounts should have unique and strong passwords. Putting in your date of birth is not a wise thing to do. Never share your password with anyone unless they are your designated account manager. This online safety tip is to ensure that you don’t fall victim to online theft.

  1. Follow the saying, “Think before you click.”

What one shares on the Internet reflects their lifestyle. When you share pictures or videos about your life, people on the Internet can see who you are and the life you live. Whatever you say or post online can be used against you, so make sure that you don’t share too much.

There is also the possibility that your posts can be copied by other people, and you will end up becoming a victim of identity theft. It is important for seniors to think before they click that post or share button.

  1. Don’t be afraid to report abuse.

Cyberbullying is a significant issue these days. There are stories that teens and young adults have caved to cyberbullying and ended their lives. Seniors are also not safe when it comes to cyberbullying. Let them know that if they feel like they are being cyber bullied by anyone, no matter how much they know the person, they should not be afraid to report. Tell them not to give anyone the freedom to harass them or make them think that it’s okay to threaten or abuse anyone online.

These online safety tips for seniors are not rocket science. They are measures to protect our vulnerable seniors from technology that they are not very familiar with. Ensure that they follow these online safety tips so they can have a more enjoyable experience when using the Internet.

Written by The Village Of Bedford Walk, a senior living community in Columbia, MO.
