Saturday 27 July 2024

Part-Time General Counsel

It is a common notion to say that most small business organizations have met their need for legal services by hiring the services of an attorney from an outside law firm. Most firms, on the other hand, believe that it is expensive to hire an experienced, full time general counsel to handle business related legal matters and provide reliable legal advice about upcoming issues. Business of all sizes the world all over are now looking for a way to cut down operational costs and as a result are taking a new approach when it comes to seeking legal services. Instead of seeking legal services from an outside law firm or hiring a full time general counsel, sometimes referred to as in house lawyer, these businesses are hiring one of the many experienced independent or part time general counsel out there. Part time general counsels are highly experienced senior lawyers who provide legal services for companies on demand, while continuing to use the outside firm for esoteric issues.

Some of the services provided by part time general counsel are quite similar to the ones provided by full time general counsel. These include

  • Negotiating and reviewing distribution arrangements and project deals

  • Professionally handling issues with vendors and customers before it escalates into disputes

  • Providing reliable human resource advice

  • Advising on marketing programs, and software development contracts

  • Ensuring renewal of insurance policies

  • Liaising with the company’s external lawyers, insurers and other professional advisers

  • Provide reliable advice on employment law

  • Build and sustain business organizations

Hiring a part time general counsel is considerably cheaper when compared to fees charged by full time lawyers. This is one of the reasons why most businesses are moving towards using this service. These experienced lawyers are available anytime any day and they can provide reliable advice to companies in order to avoid legal problems in the future. With the services of a general counsel on part time basis, you can be rest assured of getting a fast turnaround legal service when needed. It pays to hire a team of staff who understand the business goal and objective. By so doing, all efforts will be directed towards assisting the company achieve its desired result. This is also applicable when seeking the services of a professional attorney to handle all legal services. Make sure you choose a part time general counsel with the skills and experience to meet the ongoing business needs.

Why pay exorbitant fee hiring a full time salary general counsel or law firm? Join other business all over the world today and enjoy the cost effective and high quality service of having a senior attorney available on part time basis

Part time general counsel are well versed when it comes to providing advise on matters relating to commercial, property, employment, company, contractual and intellectual property. Some of the skills of a professional part time general counsel include confidence, proactive, offer long lasting solutions, quick thinking, good communicator with the ability to explain issues in easy to understand terms and commercial approach to problem solving.
