Saturday 27 July 2024

When considering home improvement, having an outdoor aesthetic appeal may be at the top of your list. With obvious choices such as siding upgrades and landscaping, try considering the smaller details that can really pack a punch. Patio door replacement can be one of those small choices that show great value visually.

Picture Perfect

Starting Point

First and foremost, you have to determine whether you are going to turn this into a DIY project, or if you are going to hire a professional to do the job. When considering a professional, there are a few key tips and tricks you should consider beforehand.

Lead by Example

First, you should reference local patio door installation Louisville KY professionals. Head on over to houzz, and browse projects to get an idea of what you are looking at in regards to professional door installers. If you are from a different area, you can refine your search according to your exact location. If a company has a profile on Houzz, then you have access too their previous works and customer reviews. When a company is willing to showcase their works, this offers you a better outlook when determining which company will work best for you. Overall, this is a great starting point.


If you decided hiring a professional to install a door is outlandish, then consider some of these top sources I am going to cover to help you successfully complete this DIY project. First I want to cover a few key tips and tricks to apply when beginning patio door installation.


You can never study too much when it comes to an unfamiliar task. Knowing how too uninstall the door you already have is going to be your first step. There a few sites that cover simple and easy to follow instructions with quality pictures. Make sure when during your research, that you look up exactly which type of door you have. There are different procedures for each specific type of door.


I know this seems cliche, but there are some great DIY channels that will show you exactly how to complete this task all on your own. Youtube has been known to teach people things of all different calibers, successfully. So don’t knock it until you try it!

Final Chapter

Once you’ve uninstalled the door and prepared the entry way, you can then complete the project through installation. Don’t forget to study first through DIY networks and video tutorials. It would also be a good idea to have a friend or two to make sure everything is placed just right. I’ve seen my brother try too install a bedroom door alone, and didn’t exactly succeed. Funny siting and great entertainment though!

Picture Perfect Quality

Hopefully, no matter the path you chose, your end result is a picture perfect patio door. One that you can show off, especially under your own hard work can be a prideful accomplishment for the books. Consider snapping your own photos, or even creating a video tutorial along the way. Share with your friends and family and enjoy!
