Sunday 15 September 2024

Proper Parenting in the Entertainment Industry

Many people have dreamed of gaining stardom in the huge entertainment industry. Obviously, there’s no harm in dreaming, but we should understand about all the consequences. In some cases, parents find that having a successful child celebrity seems like winning a lottery. It can happen quite fast; while many others need to struggle to achieve the same status. With the near instant success, many parents simply don’t know how to handle all the fame and money. Parents also need to work hard to prepare their children for the challenges that the need to face. It is more than just hiring reliable accountants to manage the money, although parents will need them too.

There are much deeper issues associated with parenting in the entertainment industry. Parents of young celebrities should learn about how many lottery winners ended up. These new millionaires eventually lost their money, racked huge debts and lost their families. The problem is, some people only want to enjoy the temporary fulfilment and then, it’s all over. This could happen on many young celebrities and their parents, who may not know anything about the impending traps. It is important for these people to know about the likely pitfalls. It is important for these families to be fully prepared for the changes.

Many times, the changes are not in us, but it could happen to people around us. Eventually, the child will be invited to various events and celebrity parties that they never heard of. They could start to receive jewelry, clothing, devices and many other things. Suddenly, everyone wants to be our friend, although they may not earn our friendship yet. Shirley Temple Black was a very famous child actress and she survived the challenging entertainment industry, because her mother is always with her. She will step in front of Shirley, saying that she can’t accept a gift or do something. Any parent will want their children to enjoy successes. However, it is also important for parents to make sure that their children develop into a supportive, loving, independent, healthy and happy individual.

This is a huge responsibility and can be made more challenging by fame in the entertainment industry. It is important for parents to not get blinded themselves by the bright spotlight in the industry. Child celebrities should know that they need to “earn” many things in life, including, friendship, respect and trust. Earning something is an important indicator that parents can use to take children to the top. This should be a simple concept. As an example, trust and friendship in the entertainment industry should be earned. It is acceptable to immediately make friend with everyone, but real trust and friendship can’t be given away. Eventually, there are people who people who want to shower children with compliments, gifts and money. Parents should instruct children that trust and friendship can’t be based on these things. Real friendship should be based on sincerity, instead of things that are given to children.
