Thursday 23 January 2025

Qualities of an Effective Politician

It is true when they say that politicians are born and not made. Time and again, we see people emerging and making headlines for the obnoxious, outrageous, or revolutionary things that they tend to say. Surprisingly, there are several who become impressed with the message that these people share and follow them.

The truth is that in reality, these people are not less than empty vessels producing sounds, though they do become extremely popular. They convert to the embankment of corruption while gaining a large following of people who choose to have them represent them.

A lot of intelligent people have their foresight clouded by the circumstances of the situation and side with the wrong person. They would consider their vote to the candidate as an investment to be able to go to the elected politician for a favor to solve any issue that might arise in the future.

A good politician should be knowledgeable of the constituency that they are engaging in. According to the famous Winston Churchill, a good politician is the one who knows what is happening now and what will happen tomorrow and the days that come after it. And if that prediction does not come to fruition, they should have the ability to explain why it did not happen.

An effective politician has to be different from the common man. This means that they cannot have their own biases cloud their judgment. They will need to open their eyes to what really is going on around them and then base their judgments and mottos on that.

Fame and attention tend to come with being elected or standing up against something. It will obviously garner the person a heavy following that they will bank on to further their cause. However, in actuality, the person will need to keep in check the fact that they are continuing to serve the society and bring the change that they initially believed they could. If they are not doing that, and instead are letting themselves get swayed by fame, then it might be an issue. A politician should be compassionate to be able to work for the people, and so if they experience elements of ego and need for power and attention, then they might as well be deviating from their cause.

This is what makes Chidi Topaz Olujie and an excellent candidate to run for Peoples Democratic Party. He has a clear message to run with during this campaign, and that is more compassion for the disabled. He noticed that there is very little representation for those suffering from a disability and pushed himself to study the entire situation, leading him to become a philanthropist and politician in this cause.
