Monday 06 May 2024

Regain Your Lost Traffic and Ranking With Redirects

Regain Your Lost Traffic and Ranking With Redirects

The dropping of traffic in the a newly relaunched website is always a head bursting. To find what led to a sudden drop in traffic is another daunting task, especially when the defect is not obvious.

Regain Your Lost Traffic and Ranking With Redirects

With some smart and some hard work and a bit of luck, one might be able to know the obvious problem.  Sort the problem out and the site is back on track. Solving traffic’s obvious problems quickly and getting the site up and moving is what company focuses on. But isn’t it too good to be true? Issues like redirecting of links to the new page. Then there are issues like a minor mistake of non-implementation of the redirecting link properly which could turn out to be the biggest mistake for the website. The reason could be anything, maybe the company responsible skipped redirecting, or didn’t implement redirects correctly. The issue rises with the company when the SEOs fail to find the list of old URLs or site structure to implement the redirects.

Then there are issues like a minor mistake of non-implementation of the redirecting and building of link properly which could turn out to be the biggest mistake for the website. The reason could be anything, maybe the company responsible skipped redirecting, or didn’t implement redirects correctly. The issue rises with the company when they don’t have the list of old URLs or site structure to implement the redirects.

Finding the Cause of Unconventional Dropping of Traffic  

What happens when you have completed and fulfilled all the requirements while making the new website. The redirecting has been properly done, there are no issues regarding indexation, and the page is as good as the previous one, yet the issue of the dropping of traffic and rankings still exists.

The possible causes of the dropping of traffic and rankings could be redirected, but this issue of redirect is from the previous website that haven’t existed in ages.  301 redirects are supposed to redirect the value of the links and the users from one page to another. It’s very unusual that redirects are continued from the previous versions and are carried over to the new website when it is created.

There is one general misconception that leads this issue the 301 redirect are known as “Permanent Redirect” but they are anything but permanent. The permanent status exists till the redirecting continues. Hence, the dropping caused in traffic and ranking occurs when the company changes its domain, and it’s old domain expires. It happens when there is an assumption that the links have been permanently redirected.  

Hence it is important to gather most of the URLs from the previously closed websites, this can be done through Screaming Frog and Wayback Machine.  Finally then, using scream frog and Microsoft Excel you can verify all redirects and revive all the lost links. Hence solving your redirecting problems and opening door for you to work on reviving your lost traffic and ranking of your website together along with reviving of the links. Therefore, be the SEOs services are provided in your company or services are provided from cities like Sydney or  New York, SEOs keep an eye on redirects and if they are the reason of your website losing traffic and rankings.
