Saturday 07 September 2024

Should Your Kitchen Cabinets Be Built Onsite Or Offsite?

Whether you decide to build your own cabinets, or have someone else build them for you is totally up to you. The style you want to portray might be an original, and is not yet available in local stores. If you build your own cabinets you can add a personal spin to the design, making it your own creation. In this case, building the cabinets’ on site would be acceptable.

However, if building or DIY projects are not one of your strong suits, you might want to have your kitchen cabinets custom designed and built from scratch. Every custom home should have custom built cabinets in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

Should Your Kitchen Cabinets Be Built Onsite Or Offsite

Advantages to Onsite Cabinet Building

Being part on an onsite building project allows you to have input on style, color and design. You are in the middle of the action, and you are able to express your likes and dislikes. Although, someone else is doing the work, you can still tell them what colors you like, which designs you want and which style you prefer.

Whether you want hardwood, real wood, particle wood or marble finishing is part of customizing your cabinets. Do you want a smooth, or textured surface is a choice you have to make. Perhaps your cabinets look better in the raw, or with a light or heavy stain coating, again this is all your decision.

Onsite building gives you full access to local professional builders, and puts you charge of designing your own kitchen cabinets. You determine the size you want, and how many, and where you want to put them. Offsite building limits your choices and decisions.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Offsite Cabinet Building

One advantage to having your cabinets built off site is price. Chances are you can get the kitchen cabinets you want built, at a reasonable price, but you might not get the color or the style you want. Offsite building companies might offer certain cabinet designs in either a light or dark finishing, for a few dollars extra.

The disadvantage of getting kitchen cabinets built offsite is time. It might take weeks or even months for a building company to complete the order. It might also take a few weeks to receive the order, and the freight bill is probably outrageously high. If the style, color or design is not to your specifications, more money is spent sending the cabinets back for a “Do over.”

Ways to Avoid Costly Building Errors

If building the cabinet’s offsite is your final choice, you can eliminate some confusion. Send a drawing, sketch or photo of the type of cabinets you want. Specify size, shape, color and texture; and be specific about the kind of building material you prefer. Specifics cut down considerably on numerous shipping and freight charges.

If onsite building is your decision, be sure to be present when the cabinets are being built. Specify how you want your cabinets built, the style in which you want them built, and their size and dimensions. When clear and precise instructions are given there is practically no room for error. Onsite or offsite building provides freedom to choose a design that is just right for you.

+Ken Uhrich likes kitchens. In fact he cooks in one. You can drop him a line at the Custom Home Group website
