Thursday 02 May 2024

SMS Marketing Campaign Is Easy

It’s also known as text message marketing or text marketing. It is a method of marketing by which organizations and businesses are able to communicate coupons, specials, alerts, promotions etc. through permission-based, highly targeted, opt-in texts. These text messages which are used have the same limitations upon them as regular text message do i.e. they can be at a maximum of 160 characters.
Why SMS marketing service?
There are many forms of marketing such as advertisement, social marketing, promotions etc. but SMS marketing service is the easiest and cheapest way to spread the word quickly among the customers. This is because customers respond more quickly to SMS than they do to other forms of communication.
How to do SMS marketing?
If you want to do SMS marketing in Singapore then you can easily hire a company with an online platform which provides an in-house developed software to all the end-users including businesses.  These online platforms are managed by teams of software developers who are experienced in their field. It’s a one-stop solution for whoever wants to do marketing via SMS because they provide customized applications and innovative software, hence improving productivity for all businesses. Their software permits efficient text message marketing service. Since these companies are aware of the importance of user-friendly and intuitive software, it is very easy to use without much menu or navigation, where possible.
Making SMS marketing easy:
Here are some of the things which a SMS Marketing Service Company helps you with to make sure that your SMS Marketing experience is easy and affordable:

  • Helps in integrating your sales process and existing data.
  • Takes care of the regulation compliance so that the customer can focus on the advantages of SMS and the sales.
  • They make sure that the data security is protected by the help of a secure interface portal. It remains totally secure and in the customer’s control.
  • The campaigns are aimed based on the statistical processing of the customer’s client transactions and database.
  • Through this process the campaigns will help in driving traffic to the customer’s website or call center.

Hence in this way SMS marketing is made easy. Furthermore you should always remember that about 98% of text messages are read in 90 seconds on an average. In some other researches it was also found out that about 95% of the SMS are read by people within the first 5 minutes of arrival.
