Saturday 27 July 2024

The Evolution Of Google Requires A Loyal Audience: Where’s Yours?

The Evolution Of Google Requires A Loyal Audience: Where’s Yours?

Google is constantly making changes to its search engine result page (SERP) and its search results process, which is why many marketers are changing their approach before they even get started with content marketing and SEO. It used to be that SEO, or the use of keywords in content, would be your tool to attract customers, get leads, and draw people in. Then, you would go from there to build loyalty and create that relationship that will make them a customer for life. Today, it’s actually quite the opposite. The newest changes in Google are creating a new world of marketing where you have to gain loyalty first, and then capitalize on other marketing tools to get the rankings you deserve.

Why Can’t You Rely On SEO?

The Evolution Of Google Requires A Loyal Audience: Where’s Yours?

SEO is a great tool. It should be used along with your marketing strategy, but not relied on as your sole method of branding and generating leads. Google has completely revamped the search engine results page, including the fact that you no longer get 10 actual organic search results along WITH the sponsored content. Instead, the Amazon ads, news, and images are counted as results, so most users end up with about 4-7 organic results. People don’t look past the first page, so you’ve just shortened your chances of being found if you rely solely on keywords and SEO. Personalization is also big right now. Local search, Google +, and personalization by history is on every computer, tablet, and smartphone device. Google is more focused on providing relevant, personalised results to its users than anything. If you’re not going to join up with the “sponsored” crowd, you need to capitalise on your audience.

How to Gain Loyalty

If you are going to build a successful following, you have to make sure that you know what you are doing. For starters, you need to go to your audience, rather than making them come to you. Utilise social media, apps, and other channels that your intended audience uses already. Then, you’re not making them go out of their way to find you. Another big part of building that loyal audience is in being consistent. You need a habitual marketing plan that people can depend on, whether it’s when you post a blog, how often you post to social media, or even what type of content you publish. If you put your audience first, the rest will fall into place.
