Saturday 27 July 2024

Things You Need To Tell The Web Designer

Designing a website for the first time, especially when it comes to a business, is a daunting task. The expectations of a business website are different than those of a gaming or entertainment webpage. When it comes to a business website, you have to keep it simple and straightforward. There should be nothing flashy, gaudy or unprofessional about how a company website is presented.

To know how to do this, a website designer needs to know the basic information it takes to create a website. Some of the fundamental things a designer needs to create a webpage are


It is obvious that the content of a website is the more important part of the entire page. It will not matter if the website is well structured or has excellent color schemes, if the content is not up to the mark, then everything is void. The content needs to be precise. Keeping the paragraphs short and precise, will let your readers take in all the information without being over whelmed. Lengthy paragraph do not keep the attention of a reader for long.


With a clearly visible navigation plan in your webpage, you can ensure that clients can move around with ease. By clearly marking where they can find your information and where to contact you, or go to the homepage, you can have a great website.

Search Box

Adding a search box to the webpage will build up the repertoire of the website.  It helps business partners find specific elements on the website and bypassing anything which they do not wish to know. The search box should be clearly visible, so that whatever services the company provides, can be easily sought out.

Loading Time

For potential business partners, it is very important that the website does not take more than fifteen seconds to load. Business websites do not need animations, flashy gifs and pictures, since they will only slow down the loading process. Avoid using unnecessary things on the website, keep it to the point and simple.


A crucial part of the website is the alignment of the webpage. If the website has an attractive design, it will not matter unless it is properly aligned. Viewers should be able to read everything written without scrolling from one side of the page to the other. It comes off as a ‘sloppy’ design.

Contact Information

All webpages need to have the information about contacting the company behind the website. They should have a clear link reading ‘Contact Us’ or a phone number, email or address for potential clients. The link should be clearly visible and preferably on the bottom of every page.

Website is now a form of digital advertising. It allows clients and potential business partners to learn more about the company. It is easier and more economical than magazines or pamphlets. A company website, once designed properly, will be a marketing platform that can reach out to a global audience. If it has all the components properly utilized, then a website can be a powerful strength of a company.

Scott Heron is a freelance website designer who has written articles based on his experiences with clients. His passion to find more innovative and creative ways to design websites have made him a leading authority on website maintenance and design.
