Friday 17 January 2025

Top 6 Reasons To Buy and Wear Loafers

Top 6 Reasons To Buy and Wear Loafers

Back in the 1980s, loafers were all the rage. They went out of the spotlight ever since athletic shoes became the dominant trend, but they didn’t really disappear through the years. Now they’re back, as many have come to realize how great a pair of loafers can be. So, if you’re buying men’s clothing online, you should check out the loafers to ensure that you’ll be on-trend this coming season.

Here are some very good reasons for the reemergence of the loafer back into the spotlight:

There are several styles to choose from.

There’s the classic penny loafer, or you can go with one that features tassels. If you really want to rock the preppy look, you have to put a real penny there. In fact, tradition states that the penny should be in the year when you were born.

There’s the snaffle loafer with the metal bits that Gucci popularized, or you can get apron loafers that come with separate leather piece around the shoe. These are all classics.

They’re very comfortable.

Who wants to be uncomfortable anyway? You can just slip these shoes on and off your feet. When you’re wearing them, you just feel right. It doesn’t take long for these things to conform to the shape of your feet. It doesn’t scrunch up your feet, and the rubber sole offers a nice secure grip.

They’re great for driving.

That’s especially true when you get them with rubber soles that grip the pedals well. They’re very flexible and they don’t get too heavy on the pedal unlike gym shoes. Plus, their comfort allows you to drive for extended periods of time without discomfort.

They’re excellent for your casual look.

It just adds a touch of dapper that makes you look stylish. You can pair it with jeans or khakis. In the summer, wear them with your cargo shorts and forgo the socks. Match them with a shirt and chinos for a casual evening or with jeans and a shirt when you really want to relax.

They’re great for the smart casual look.

This is the kind of look that’s becoming more common in the workplace, which explains the increasing popularity of these classic shoes. Loafers inherently come right in the middle between casual and formal.

These shoes you can wear with a blazer to work, especially the tasseled ones. Going with or without socks is entirely your choice, although for the office you may want to play it safe and wear socks.

You can even wear them with suits.

Obviously these loafers are not going to fit in with a black tie event. But, with a suit, they’re doable as long as your suit isn’t one of those tailored 3-piece suits.

If you’re wearing a sport coat, a blazer, or a casual suit, then it can work. Both the suit and the shoe should be sleek. You’ll also want a minimal break on the pant leg hem.

So if you just have a pair of sneakers and then a pair of dress shoes in your closet, then for goodness sake you need a pair of loafers. Try one, and chances are you’ll find out exactly why these shoes will never go out of fashion.
