Monday 06 May 2024

Why is it Important to do Well on Your SATs and how it Impacts Your Future

The SAT is an exam many students in the United States take for undergraduate admission. Prospective college-bound high schoolers spend years preparing to earn a high score, as it can dictate what colleges and universities will accept you. While we know an exam isn’t necessarily “everything” as it pertains to your chances of getting into your top school, we do know it matters quite a bit. Since so many colleges and universities have high application rates, it’s your SAT (or ACT) score that can put you in a different pile on an admissions officer’s desk.

Just how important is this exam, though? Does it really impact your future? Let’s take a look at several important factors that play into the SAT and why it’s an exam that will open doors for you time and time again. Manhattan SAT knows the ins and outs of this process more so than anyone out there on the market!

University Admissions

This is, perhaps, the most obvious factor when it comes to your SAT—admissions to an undergraduate university. Again, the primary reason so many high school juniors and seniors sit for this exam annually is to garner a score that will get them into the undergraduate program of their dreams. Particularly as an international student, your SAT score matters just as much if not more, as you want to prove to an admissions committee you have what it takes to live, work, and study in the U.S. at a reputable school. Your SAT score will be one of the primary determining factors in your university admission, and it may very well be an element people return to in the future.

For example, when applying to graduate schools, an admissions committee or officer might want to know your SAT score, particularly if you’re an international student. This gauges how much you learned in high school and how well you perform on standardized tests. Furthermore, if you’re seeking a summer part-time job or internship related to your undergraduate degree and you have a high SAT score, it may not be a bad idea to advertise that on your resume or CV. (Similar to the way in which business school graduates advertise their GMAT score.)

Vocabulary Expansion

It is said that native English speakers should increase their vocabulary by 2,000 words to perform well on the SAT verbal sections, as it tests your grammar and vocabulary extensively. This is true if not even more so for international students, as well. The vocabulary you learn for this exam will come in handy far down the line, both in your undergraduate career and beyond. The SAT is known to contain challenging yet relevant English vocabulary, which is always useful in a variety of English-speaking environments and circumstances.

Test-Taking Skills

Furthermore, the SAT is an indicator of how well you perform on standardized tests, in general. It could be said that in the U.S. the SAT is the first major standardized test (that has real consequences) high school students encounter. Realistically speaking, standardized tests for other programs don’t decrease in number, as the GRE is important in determining graduate school admission, the LSAT in determining law school, and the GMAT traditionally used for business schools and MBA programs. Success on the SAT and a high score on the SAT can pave the way for a future of continued standardized test scores.

There is no question that the SAT is a valuable if not vital tool for students around the world seeking undergraduate admission in an English-speaking country, with or without the counsel and assistance of Manhattan Review. Take your time getting to know the exam, what it tests, and the best strategies to accommodate your weaknesses and strengths. In the end, the SAT is an experience that will stick with you for years to come and will continue to open doors with proper and adequate preparation.  
