Saturday 27 July 2024

African Bucket List – Travel Tips and Advice

African Bucket

Africa is one of the most magnificent places on Earth. Home to the largest remaining populations of lion, elephant, rhino, cheetah, hyena and leopard, an African safari is a popular bucket list item for many.

If you’re planning an African safari soon, check out our top safari tips and tricks, so you can have the adventure of a lifetime.

African Bucket List - Travel Tips and Advice

1. Pack the essentials

When packing, there are a couple of items you should consider that you wouldn’t normally have to think about. Firstly, if you’re taking a camera, consider bringing along a waterproof bag, to help keep it safe if you experience a sudden downpour when you’re out and about. Binoculars are also an absolute must have; not all animals will be right up close, and you don’t want to miss out. Consider lightweight ones so you don’t add too much extra weight to your luggage.

2. Forget about the lie in

Holidays are a time for relaxing and taking it easy, but when it comes to safaris, you might want to avoid hitting that snooze button when it comes to getting up early. The morning drive is where it happens, and if you’re looking to get a glimpse of one of the Big 5, you’re going to need to get up and out of there early. You can always have a nap later on in the day if you need to!

3. Be wary of the dust

Africa is the second driest continent, so it’s no surprise that when you’re on safari, there’s going to be a fair amount of dust, particularly in the drier months (June – October). Make sure to consider how protected any camera equipment is (you might want to bring along a bag), and if you wear contact lenses, eye drops can be a lifesaver. Finally, wet wipes are a great option if you want to quickly wipe yourself down and freshen up

4. Listen to your safari guide

Your safari guide is your best friend. They know the terrain, the animals, and most importantly, they know what will keep you safe. An African safari is not the same as going to the zoo; these animals are wild, and they are untamed. Always remember to listen to your guide, stay inside the vehicle (keep all arms and legs inside, and don’t stand up), don’t make any sudden movement and don’t make any loud noises.

5. Enjoy the experience

Most importantly, remember to enjoy the experience. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make the trip perfect. Put down the camera and enjoy the moment, listen to the sounds, appreciate these majestic animals in their natural habitat. An African safari is one of the most amazing things you can do, so live in the moment and enjoy it.
