Saturday 27 July 2024

Best Exotic Destinations For Lovers

When planning the holiday with friends or partner, is likely to emerge doubt, where to go? So you may have to choose between a typical tourist destination and a place out of the ordinary. For the latter, we must know in advance the best exotic destinations worldwide. Then, know these captive to vacation destinations.


It is located in South Africa and its coast belongs to the Indian Ocean. It is known as Island Beach and is surrounded by lakes, which provide glimpse amazing scenery. You can also visit other nearby islands, such as Agalega, St Brandon and Rodrigues. The climate of Mauritius is warm, the sea water is maintained at a constant temperature of 27 ° C in summer. It offers all inclusive hotel brands for an unforgettable experience.


Lake Bunyonyi

In southwestern Uganda, more precisely in Kabale District. Among the attractions are the mountain gorillas, which can be observed in national parks like Bwindi or Mgahinga Gorilla. A 7 km from the city on Lake Bunyonyi, which means “Place of many little birds” is located. It is 1962 meters above sea level, is 25 km long and 7 meters wide. It is a place for lovers of natural life and those seeking relaxation.

Uros Islands

It located in Peru, is a set of artificial floating islands, built of reeds on Lake Titicaca. They inhabit the “Uros” of ancestral origin. They really are a people shaped up this material, and even you can visit Uros island churches, shops and schools and see the daily life of men and women who are dedicated to raising pigs and poultry and crafts.


This exotic destination is located in Turkey and is easily accessible from Istanbul, the capital. Cappadocia offers natural and architectural attractions. Some of the must see places include: Open Air Museum in Goreme, underground city of Kaymakli, Ihiara Valley, Roman castles and fairy chimneys.


You can travel to Antarctica, at the southern end of the planet, between October and March, starting from the port of Ushuaia Argentina, crossing the Drake Passage and ice sheets for about 1000 km. The tradition is to go on a cruise of at least 10 days, including a trip to the Antarctic Peninsula and the Sub-Antarctic Islands. An ideal place for lovers of cold and snow, as well as for those seeking exotic destinations for a different holiday.

With this little guide, you can make the decision for next exotic trip or at least, have alternatives available.
