Saturday 27 July 2024

Fascinating Ways To See The Treasures Of London

Fascinating Ways To See The Treasures Of London

If you are planning on visiting London soon then you may wonder how to see all of its treasures in a fresh and interesting way. Well, the good news is that there are a number of great methods of seeing all that the UK capital has to offer.

Fascinating Ways To See The Treasures Of London

The following are some of the very best ideas for enjoying London the maximum.

Go for a Long Walk

There can be few more walkable cities in the world than London. This massive city is so big that you could walk and walk for hours while still coming across excellent sights and world class tourist attractions.

If you want to stay centrally then you can’t do much better than walk along the banks of the Thames, passing the likes of Tower Bridge, the London Eye and the Houses of Parliament. After that, you can cut inland and pass 10 Downing Street before going up to Buckingham Palace and other terrific spots.

Assuming that you want a longer walk then heading out to Portobello Market, Camden Lock and Finsbury Park area few of the interesting options. A good idea is to simply look for a few places you want to visit and then work out a walking route to get you there.

Clearly, this is also a great form of exercise while you get to explore London your terms. Another possibility worth considering is that of joining an organised walking tour in order to learn about the fabulous history of the city while you stroll.

Take a Tube Mystery Tour

Travelling on the Underground system is one thing that every visitor to London simply has to do.  Yet, there is no reason to think that you have to just use it to get from your hotel straight to a set destination.

Instead, you can look at the map and work out which Tube stations sound most interesting to you. The great thing is that on most lines you won’t see anything at all until you arrive at your chosen station, as the journey takes place underground.

In this way, you will get a nice surprise when you walk up to ground level and see what is waiting for you. Will you discover a lovely green park, a thriving market or some terrific pubs and restaurants?

Even when you travel out fairly far from the centre you are likely to find busy neighbourhoods with a lot going on and plenty to see. Buy a one day travel card and you can see plenty of parts of this big, sprawling city easily.

Go on a River Cruise

What about the thrilling idea of going on peaceful Thames river cruise? This is a wonderfully relaxing way of seeing the world famous city from a completely different point of view.

Since so many of the top attractions here are close to the Thames, it also means that you can see some amazing sights while you cruise down the river. Some of the best London cruises even let you enjoy live music or settle down for a meal while you soak up the sights.

There are few better feelings in life than that of sitting down to enjoy Afternoon Tea on the Thames or a leisurely dinner cruise. These are guaranteed to be among your favourite memories that you take home from the capital afterwards.

Hire a Bike

If you want to combine a lot of sight-seeing with some fun exercise then getting on a bike is perfect. In that respect, London is a tremendous city for cycling around without a care in the world.

Hiring a bike here is easy to do no matter where you are. You can even use modern, self-service docking stations where you just use your bank card to get hold of a bike easily and quickly.

After this, you might want to cycle out to beautiful Greenwich, go ground Hyde Park or explore areas such as Clapham, Balham or Wimbledon. There are plenty of great areas in the city and having a bike is a very special way to explore them.

Once you get away from the centre, you will also find that it is a surprisingly bike friendly place, with a lot of locals now choosing to get about in this way. You can enjoy an amazing day by cycling out to somewhere nice for a picnic or maybe for a tasty pub lunch.

Don’t settle for just seeing London in the same old way that most tourists do. Instead, you can live your own personal experience here by doing what you want to and seeing this historic city in a completely different light.