Saturday 27 July 2024

Secret Wonders Of Europe

I’m sure we have all visited somewhere like Paris or London and have felt like a very small part of a giant swarm of tourists; from long queues to excursions and selfie sticks threatening to poke your eyes out! While the big cities in Europe are fascinating and should be visited at least once in a lifetime, there comes a time when we travellers want to find an alternative place to visit than the mainstream. Luckily, Europe is filled with secret wonders and is a treasure trove when it comes to hidden travel spots that other people are likely to overlook.

If you are looking to travel to Europe, be sure to check that every member of your travel party has a European Health Insurance Card. It will ensure you are able to receive free health care when visiting a country that is a member of the EU. Appling for your EHIC online is easy and, once you have your card, it is valid for 5 years. Why not wander off the beaten track and see where our list of under-the-radar secret wonders of Europe could take you…


Matera, a hidden ancient town in Italy, is certainly a secret wonder. Its monochromatic architecture and UNESCO World Heritage Site old town do not get very busy as so few people tend to know it exists. It is a favourite destination for movie directors and has so much to offer for those looking to get lost in the historic churches and buildings that stand out from the surrounding landscape.


Northern Ireland has its own vast collection of secret wonders and one of which is certainly the Fermanagh Lakelands. Here you will find stunning old castles and misty lakes- perfectly preserved and picturesque. If you are a sucker for the outdoors and want a break that will leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed, give Fermanagh you full attention.

Muhu Island

Secret Wonders Of Europe

Muhu Island in Estonia is one of those destinations that are the stuff of fairy tales- this tiny island can only be accessed by an ice road in winter and is tucked away 100 miles from Tallinn, Estonia. On the island you will find thatched cottages and windmills and a 13th century church too.

Lewis Island

Another tiny island that deserves the attention of adventurous travellers is Lewis Island, found in the Outer Hebrides, out in the North Sea. This is the ultimate destination if you want to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and get back to nature. It’s thoroughly picturesque and you are sure to feel a deep connection with nature after visiting.


Lodz is the third largest town in Poland and is known for its industrial background (think of it as the Manchester of the East). Lodz is passionate about art and this is represented through all forms of it being seen everywhere, from galleries to live music being widely on offer. Many visitors return from Lodz raving about the food- the quality and variety of Polish and Jewish dishes to try are supposedly unparalleled.
