Friday 24 January 2025

Simple Ways To Organise Your Wardrobe

Simple Ways To Organise Your Wardrobe

Now is the perfect time to organise your wardrobe, to make your daily life much easier! Although it does take a few hours to do properly, it will make daily life much more simple, as everything will be easier to find. Also, you can make sure that your clothes get a good amount of wear out of them by either selling or donating them! With these really simple tips, you can completely transform your wardrobe. 

Take Everything Out Of Your Wardrobe

The first thing you should do to organise your wardrobe is to take everything out. You will get things done so much quicker if you take everything out and lay it onto your bed or the floor, so you are starting with a blank canvas. When everything is out of your wardrobe, you are also likely to be more brutal with what you are throwing out. Do this first thing in the morning, then you will have the entire morning to make sure that the job gets done properly. 

Create Keep, Donate and Sell Piles

Now that everything is out of your wardrobe, you can start working through everything to create, keep, donate and sell piles for the clothes. Start with your absolute favourite pieces that fit really nicely and that you wear often. Next, start creating a sell or donate pile. If things are in good condition and you think it would be something you could make some money off, consider selling them and then using the money to buy sustainable clothing that will last for years and years. Or, you could donate pieces too if you’re feeling generous! 

You’ve got your keep and donate piles, so put them into bags and then you can start to put everything back in your wardrobe. 

Decide How You Want To Sort Everything

Next up, you need to decide how you want to sort your clothes. You might sort it by category, like putting all your trousers together, jeans together, knitwear together and shirts together. Maybe you want to organise it by colour. No matter what you decide, sort your keep pile into the different sections you want to organise by. This will make the task much more achievable and simple! 

Pack Away Out of Season Clothes

A simple way to cut down on the amount of clothes in your wardrobe is to pack away any out of season clothes. In the summer, you’re probably not going to need all of your big coats, knitwear and boots. Similarly, in the winter, your dresses and shorts might not come in much use. So, a couple of times a year, take out your out of season clothes and put them into a vacuum pack bag. This will take up way less space than having everything in your wardrobe and it will make all of your seasonal clothes easier to find. You can continue to do this and it might take an hour or so to do, but it will save you time every day. 

Have Storage Within Storage

Last but not least, we would advise having storage within storage. For example, in your wardrobe, there is probably a lot of wasted space in the bottom of your wardrobe. So, you could invest in a shoe rack for the bottom of your wardrobe so you can see everything, or you could have a hanging shoe rack if you want to use the bottom for something different. 

You could have drawers in the bottom of your wardrobe to store your underwear, mens full tracksuits, denim or knitwear. There are so many options when it comes to storage, so get creative and make use of the space you have! 
