Saturday 27 July 2024

Starting Your Career? How To Prepare For Your First Day On The Job!

Anyone starting a new job will have mixed emotions, especially young professionals who are just starting out their career. Whilst it is daunting and nerve-racking experience, it can also be very exciting, as you start the next chapter of your life.

Starting Your Career? How To Prepare For Your First Day On The Job!

The most common fears that young professionals just starting out have are:

  • Making a good impression with new colleagues (especially the boss)
  • Knowing how to follow office etiquette
  • Knowing how to make the transition from the classroom to a professional work space
  • If this is you then read on, as this article will explore how to make sure your first office job is a success!

Get Used To Routine

Getting used to a routine can be tricky, especially for university students who would stay in bed until the last minute and then jump out of bed, find some clothes, clean teeth and then leave for a lecture about to start in 15 minutes. This won’t cut it in the professional working world. Yes, at university our body clock would be all over the place.

What with staying up late either partying or cramming in a last minute revision session before a big test the next day, or having some days starting with a 9am lecture and others not starting till gone 1pm. Things are different now and you have to get your body clock back into a normal routine. Most working days will start from 8:30am and finish by 6:30pm.

Depending on your commute, your working week will tire you out, what with getting up at the crack of dawn and not getting home till gone 7pm. This is where routine will help you, as you will get used to a long working week. Just make sure that you are getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night and give yourself enough time in the morning to get ready, so that you don’t end up panicking and rushing.


Save yourself substantial amounts of stress and headache by getting yourself organised. At the beginning of each week why not write down a ‘To Do’ list, which you can tick off when each task has been done? This way you can ensure that all your jobs are being done and you know what still needs to be done.

Before you go to sleep put aside some time to organise you outfit for the next day, sort out a pack lunch and make sure everything is in your bag that you need for the next day. This way in the morning you can wake up and get ready stress free, not racing the clock.

Work Hard and Play Hard

I am a firm believer in work hard and play hard. Whilst it is important to always impress the boss at work, you don’t want to end up turning in to a ‘workaholic’. If you do you may end up hating your job, as you will feel that your whole life revolves around this. Make sure that you organise fun things to do with friends and family, such as going out for a meal every Thursday or take up a hobby such as the gym. Having a good work and life balance is key in being successful, as there is such a thing as working too hard!

Dress Smart

In most office environments you will be required to dress smartly, as this will look good on the business. Make sure that you have an outfit for everyday of the working week, don’t worry this doesn’t have to cost a fortune. All you will need is 2 pairs of skirts or trousers and 5 tops! In the colder months a couple of jackets would be advisable too!

First Day

Last but by no means least, here is how to handle your first day. The night before make sure you get plenty of sleep, try and get to bed earlier then you would normally, especially if you find it hard to sleep when nervous. Make sure everything is ready for the morning. Ask yourself the following questions;

  • Is my alarm set?
  • Is my pack lunch ready?
  • Are my clothes ready and ironed?
  • Do I have all the required stationary? (if money is tight look into places that use discount wholesale suppliers such as pound shops, as you can get great bargains)

By Sarah; an article writer interested in topics exploring how to be successful in your career, looking into everything from advice to buying stationary from discount wholesale suppliers.
