Friday 14 February 2025

Top 5 US Destinations For The Inexperienced Road Tripper

Top 5 US Destinations For The Inexperienced Road Tripper

If you’ve never been on an RV trip then you may be hesitant to look into the possibility. You may feel that, as an inexperienced road tripper, it is too late to learn all the tricks of the trade. Although there is certainly a lot to learn for any burgeoning RV enthusiast, there are a number of destinations spread out across the US that are perfect for inexperienced travelers. In these destinations you can learn the ins and outs of traveling such as operating and setting up your motorhome rental and trip planning. RV travel is one of the greatest gist you can grant yourself no matter your age or lifestyle, so check out these top destinations for first time travelers and start planning your journey today.

The Gulf Coast

One of the top aspects of travel that can be difficult for first time RVers is harsh weather. Fortunately, you won’t have to deal with anything of the sort on Florida’s gulf coast. Here you have temperate climates year round which will make your traveling plans all the more easy to accomplish. Of course this isn’t the only draw of the area, since you also have miles of gorgeous coastline, a series of unique cities and towns to visit, and lots of great seafood along the way. When it comes to beginner travel, the Gulf Coast is not only an easy, laid back trip but also highly enjoyable.

San Diego

If you happen to be located on or near the west coast, then keep in mind that San Diego is a wonderful destination for first time travelers. Here you have picture perfect weather year round so you will never have to worry about braving harsh conditions when setting up camp or when driving. You also have a wide selection of easily accessible options for activities, everything from swimming in the Pacific Ocean to hiking in the desert to climbing in nearby mountain ranges. This combination of perfect weather and diversified activities all within short driving distance make for a very manageable first time trip.

The Smoky Mountains

If you are looking for the perfect combination of stunning scenery and manageable driving conditions for your motorhome rental then make sure to check out the Smoky Mountains. Here you have some of the most stunningly beautiful stretches of roadway in the Nation, especially in the summer and fall months. Miles of unspoiled forest line the region, with the mountains rising up beyond them forming the mist that gives them their name. This area is perfect for first time travelers since you can contain your roaming to one specific region which contains enough opportunities for sights and activities to keep you occupied for you entire stay. The hiking here is some of the most varied and sought after in the country, with many choices of trails from mountain jaunts to heavily forested surroundings. You also have a plethora of other opportunities such as white water rafting, climbing, and mountain biking. This is truly one of the wonders of the country and is a perfect fit for inexperienced travelers.


If you happen to be a first time traveler and wish to experience the unique joys of the pacific northwest, then you should definitely consider a trip through Oregon. The climate here is relatively milder than you get further north in Washington state, with far less rain and better road conditions in the winter months. You still get to experience the distinct joys of Pacific Northwest travel, however, with many miles of pine forests, stunning meadows, impressive mountain ranges, and unique towns and cities to explore. If you drive along the coast you will get to see some of the last remaining unspoiled coastline in America with windswept beaches, stunning rock cliffs, and even whale spotting opportunities. Oregon is also known as an eccentric and laid back state. All it will take is a stop in Portland to experience the progressive, eclectic vibe of this state. With its easy navigation, plethora of sights and activities, and milder weather, Oregon is a great choice for first timers looking to experience the pleasures of the Pacific Northwest.

New Hampshire

Although New England is known to be a rather massive and sometimes rugged terrain complete with harsh winters, this doesn’t necessarily rule it out for first time travelers. If you visit New Hampshire in the summer, for example, you can have yourself a fun time without any of the hassles that come with New England travel. New Hampshire is a relatively flat terrain full of great forests, lake regions, and quant towns that is truly a joy to travel in the spring and summer months. Make sure to keep this one on your list if you are just starting out on your travels.

There are many destinations that are friendly for first time and inexperienced travelers, so take a look at some of these destinations and decide which one appeals to you most for your first motorhome rental trip.
