Sunday 09 February 2025

Vegan Sightseeing Places Of Interest In San Francisco

San Francisco is such a beautiful place, and, most importantly, it is so vegan-friendly. No matter what neighborhood you prefer or what tour you take, you are always likely to have so much fun by exploring the places in SF. Moreover, with the kind of options that vegans get in this city, the food is one exciting thing to look forward.

In order to make the most of your trip, we have summed up 5 best places of San Francisco that you must not miss, come what may! In between, we have mentioned a couple of few places that serve delicious vegan food to die for.

Here we go:

Don’t Miss Out The Twin Peaks

If you fancy catching the scenery from 922 feet in elevation, don’t miss the opportunity of experiencing this spectacular view from the top of the peak. From top of the peak, you fairly get an idea of how San Francisco’s hills and peaks once upon a time used to look, and how everything changed in the name of development. On a lighter note, be prepared to feel strong breeze as you hike among coyote bushes.

Since you would have hiked so much, by the time you come down, you would be pretty famished. So, head down to this excellent Mexican vegan hotel called ‘Gracias Madre! Mission District is known for the best Mexican food outside anywhere Mexico. You are definitely going to enjoy sitting on their community table and getting pleasure from their tortilla chips.

Bask In The Sunny Splendors Of Dolores Park

When you are in SF, you cannot leave out Dolores Park from your itinerary. Dolores Park is a must go for every sightseer. It is a magical place, full of people (young and old) doing anything and everything under the sun. Imagine this – barefoot kids running, some adults shedding their clothes, people cracking some beers, and all of them smiling high. Yeah, you get to see all of this in Dolores Park.

Dolores Park is undoubtedly a beloved green space, which is cherished by many, forever. Here, it is a good idea to BYO leafy vegetables and surrender yourself to the meal in the open air.

Dare You Miss Out The Beauty Of Alcatraz Island

This list is incomplete without the mention of Alcatraz Island. For those who have absolutely no idea about Alcatraz Island, Alcatraz Island is a small island located in San Francisco Bay. It was formerly a military prison and a federal prison. It is now a major tourist attraction spot, and curious minds from all over the world come to explore this island. Alcatraz that served once as a lighthouse has now become a National Park open to general people.

Ticket reservation, however, is the most tedious task because these tickets get easily sold out, sometimes months in advance. So, it is advisable to be a part of Alcatraz island tours or alcatraz SF tours that arrange your entire Alcatraz tour.

In most of the cases, these Alcatraz Island tours and Alcatraz SF tours include boat trip (to and fro) Alcatraz and self-guided audio tour of Alcatraz Prison.

Ferry Building Farmer’s Market

If you happen to be in SF on a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday then visit this huge farmer’s market at the ferry building. The ferry plaza farmer’s market is a California Certified farmer’s market. It’s a popular choice among the vegan community since they have good quality farm fresh products. Some of the best vegan chefs are usually present there.

You will regret if you miss Hodo Soy Beanery’s soy products. They serve amazing soy products such as tofu, soy milk, yuba and many other ready-to-eat items. Also, look for panel discussions and cooking classes in this market. You never know what interesting vegan tip you may get.

Golden Gate Park

It is commonly said, and rightfully so – “the ultimate heaven away from urban chaos”. Golden Gate Park is one such park which is now covered with more than 75,000 trees and is bison-friendly. It’s still the most attractive place that is well preserved to play and relax, and of course, to grow culturally as well.

Do check out the most serene place called Japanese Tea Garden in order to enjoy traditional cup of Japanese tea, and you can later stroll around Stow Lake.

Hope it helps!

The purpose of writing this article is to help you in planning your trip to SF. Frankly speaking; SF has many vegan options, and is supposedly one of the most vegan-friendly cities in America. If you have just started eating a plant based diet then this article should come in handy. Hope this article would make you want more. Have a safe trip.
