Saturday 27 July 2024

What You Should Leave Behind On Your RV Trip

What You Should Leave Behind On Your RV Trip

While an RV trip can easily become one of the most exhilaratingly memorable experiences of your life, there are plenty of mistakes that can lead it to be one of the most cumbersome trips of all. One of the biggest errors that many newcomers do is overload their vehicle.

While Campanda RVs are as powerful as they come, any RV will begin to experience technical difficulties if it becomes too heavy. For this reason, it is very important that you consider exactly what you can and can’t live without when packing.

What You Should Leave Behind On Your RV Trip

Food Related Issues

If you are a gourmet chef, and enjoy regularly cooking incredible meals for you and your family, you may have to forsake such lofty enjoyment for a more feasible diet. Both the ingredients you need for a five-star meal, and the equipment that enables such fine dining, will have to largely be left behind.

You just will not be able to accommodate things like coffee machines, woks, or other advanced cooking apparatuses. You will need to focus on the basics, such as pots and pans, toasters and waffle irons, and tableware for the whole family.

An extensive cooking set will also lessen the available space. When you have several people to accommodate for, such gear can easily begin impacting on the logistics of the trip.

The Importance of Canned Food

While you may need to forsake some of the foodie enthusiasm you generally enjoy in your daily life, bringing canned food is an essential addition to your trip. A lot of people will underestimate just how much food a family will eat their way through on an RV adventure. Packing enough canned food is important towards avoiding a panicked stretch of low food supply when you are far away from markets and restaurants.

Canned food is also very convenient to transport, has a lengthy expiration date, and does not take up too much space if packed correctly. However, you will generally end up passing through areas with nearby convenience stores. This is why it’s not that big a crisis if you run out of food unless you are in a very isolated stretch of mountains or forests.

Tools to Take

While you may consider yourself a self-professed RV mechanic, your toolkits are very heavy and can take up a lot of precious space. You only ever need to bring the most basic of tools like duct tape, a Swiss Army Knife, or a screw driver.

The bigger RV issues that require bulkier tools will be beyond a standard knowledge and equipment in any case, and you will have to take your RV into a specialized mechanic in the event of a serious breakdown.

Water Tanks

The trick to loading the water tank attached to your RV heavily depends on the actual distance you will be covering, as well as the type of climate and environment you will be headed to. An overloading of water will cause a big drag on your RV’s performance and it will likely not be used.

These are just some of the items you should bring a sparing amount of when planning an RV trip. Extra amenities may be necessary depending on the family, but it is best to always pack lighter. At the worst, you can always stock up on extra supplies you found that you needed on the road.

